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I cannot believe how easy for you it was
To look me in the eyes and make me forget
About the ******* smile spread on your face
You wrapped your hand around my innocent heart
Like a snake with a vicious grip
You're holding me tight
Tempting my mind, torturing my soul
You play make-believe
I believe it all
And the venom you spread in me
Is a poison I have tasted before
In the sinful touch of your silky skin
I go mad with desire
Pandora's box begs to be opened
When you ******* fingers and bring them to your lips I for…
…get the taste of blood in the wine you give me
I ignore the way my mind empties out when you twine your body around me
I cannot remember if you already bite me
Sweet and addictive your drug turns my insides to acid
Bloodshot eyes and ruined smile
When withdrawal hits and you slide away
All I will be left with is guilt,
The firm print of doubt against my soul,
The cold shadow of hopelessness following my steps,
And the words you said
That made me laugh once
But make me cry now
Quieting my instinct was a wrong move
You jumped on me like a bird of prey
Envelopped my feelings in red silk
You offered me an antidote in form of riddle
Out of three only one will save me
Oh, the cruelty of the game you play
In my head your name tastes like Heaven
But in truth I know it's a disguise
For your species was born in Hell
A special place to disrupt my abused mind
From the corner of your smile I can tell
You fed me the illusion of paradise
But my veins are light up with your toxic love
As I fall to the ground
Gasping for a last breath
I cannot believe how easy for you it was
To release me and slither away
As if I never mattered at all
As if I never existed at all
I am rich from all the things I have lost
Vanishing into a mist of missed opportunities
The knowledge lies inside, quiet like a lake
When he leaves for battle my skin aches and breaks
We take on our true form when they're gone
Layers of flesh fall to the ground
Underneath this tiny heart a dragon rises from the ground
I open yellow eyes and wake
Tough skin and deadly claws
You smiled at me and disappeared
For many years I will guard alone
The tiny home we call our own
Shed my skin and try on a new soul
Thousands of years old and rusted to the bone
My soul springs awake, gets ready for battle
But nothing lasts forever, nothing is ever given
Words are written, said and stolen
They want it back
They always want it back
Greediness is the wound of Man
The result is spilled blood
And fallen tears
Wars are fought over countries
Murders are committed by passion
Cold blooded, show no compassion
Red is the colour of our everyday lives
And in necessary cases we spread our wings wide
Our homes we protect, our treasures we hide
We bare our teeth and hiss a cry
To scare them away we aim and fire
Open our eyes and watch over our treasure
In the midst of war we still smile and murmur
Make promises of brighter days
We will hand our skin in the living room
And pretend we never left the room
We will smile and welcome them home
Under the rug the trap will squeak quitely
A hidden mistress underneath our home
Treasures lie quiet and concealed
*Late at night
In it I can see all the treasures you didn't take away from me
She walks the woods
Stays the night
Everyday at her Grandma's house

He knows the path
Walks with her
Silently he stalks her

"It's not me, it's the wolf"
She swears to her Granma's ghost
"He dug my skin up for treasures"

Found the bones of a pretty young girl
Hiding behind her bright blonde curls
Shed her skin on the side of the road

Picked up her coat and put on a show
"I will go to Grandma's home
And eat her heart out like a wounded soul"

She uses the last of her dying breath
To call out to the lumberjack
"He went all the way to my Grandma's cottage

He wears a disguise, my great red cape and hoody
Mistake him for another hooligan
He's the big bad wolf and he'd eat you in an instant"
It is shaking, her heart
Struggling to keep up
Pumping life so hard
Her veins lit up with fire
Her mouth is a traitorous mistress
She seals her lips shut in fear she'll let the world know
About the green monster holding her heart
In a chokehold
She tries to keep hidden
The secret that threatens to spill out
Jealousy is Satan’s minister, and evil is his work of art.
She is the canvas on which he paints Red.
Being with other people is a skill that I lost
I bled ink on my right side more often than I bled on my left
I am bare and pure and innocent and proper but if you
Turn me around
You'll see the twisted, dark side of me, the ****** and raw and curious and
Side of me I cannot make sense of.
I ink it down as I figure myself out.
Would you **** for someone?
My family.
I would rub myself raw and twist my naked soul in a ball of nothingness
I am not a patient person but I would wait and turn to stone and let salt cover me
Before I'd betray my family
I would eat everyone's heart out and taste their beating heart between my teeth
I would skin myself and bite my tongue
I would ****
Lucky I am allowed to love them more.
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