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The road less trAveled is the one unspoken toll of a madman searching for his soul
I just closed my eyes and typed this so yea
The thing, he said, would come in the night at three
From the old churchyard on the hill below;
But crouching by an oak fire's wholesome glow,
I tried to tell myself it could not be.

Surely, I mused, it was pleasantry
Devised by one who did not truly know
The Elder Sign, bequeathed from long ago,
That sets the fumbling forms of darkness free.

He had not meant it - no - but still I lit
Another lamp as starry Leo climbed
Out of the Seekonk, and a steeple chimed
Three - and the firelight faded, bit by bit.

Then at the door that cautious rattling came -
And the mad truth devoured me like a flame!
The things  that follow me pushes away my friends  so I will always be alone in the end. Those eyes .... I tip my head to the sky my knees to the ground I pray to you but nothing ...not a sound. Only the sound of the laughs and scraps on the walls, the popping floors, the slamming doors, I pretend I'm just crazy that I just need meds it's to the point I can't have a elevated bed, it shakes , I think it's me dreaming I wake up screaming but through the years the memories i have surpressed come back to me it's been following me since I was old enough to speak I would tell them my friends in the walls don't like me , those **** dolls would walk around the house while I'm frozen cold as ice house I wish I had one friend that wouldn't be afraid to help me battle this demonic desiese but no I'm alone for him to do as he pleases the smile he gives those blue eyes makes me feel like a child ...if you think this just a story come hang out for a while ..
My body feels empty , I can't feel, after it all my heart surprises me, begins to pound it ...pounds but what is it I feel , I can never begin to believe love is truley real. I view love as a weakness for as long as I don't love my shield is up right? Regardless my shield will have its cracks for the ones that made it exsistant I thought I hade it right .... guess I missed it.... the thumping that sometimes beats in my chest creates hate I see the words flash ....mistake... waste.... run.. heartbreak....fake...your love trial is done..
I write what I feel ...I feel what I write tell me it's wrong ... tell me to fight
  Dec 2014 tommy clayton wells
I do not weep for you.
I do not weep for us.
I weep for what we could have become.
I weep because I feel myself falling apart and somehow believe you’re the tailor who can sew me back together.
I weep because I saw you, holding him, kissing him as if my role in your life was the battleground to prepare you for your saviour.
I weep because we had that.
I weep hard, ridding myself of every drop of sorrow only for it to be replenished again, feeding from the source of beautiful memories where our minds were as intertwined as our fingers and our eyes were a grey blur of my blue and your magnificent green.
I weep fearing I will never stop weeping. Until my body is dry and decrepit.
I weep until I’m raw. Leaving only my devastated soul vulnerable to the reality of living one more day without you.
I weep because I allowed your happiness to become my water. I weep because I fought for you, lied for you and ultimately was willing to forget myself for you.
I weep because I miss me.
I weep because you have stolen that piece of my soul that allows me to function.
I weep because that piece of me that you have, once held me together.
Was it dark in there in the trench from wich you came

Was it hard to step outside and feel the rain

Did the empty shells trip you as you stumble to your feet

Thousands of bodies innocent bodies
Fill the street

Like a **** growing threw the concreate, you stand tall

For a nation that rises just to fall

The lies ......

The lies flood the street like the aftermath of a natural disaster

Im not a christian

I haveo master

You call this the land of the free

Where is the freedom

Where is the dream

Where are the answers

Open your eyes

Your enemies claim to be on your team
Take your own message from this
You killed me

You loved me

You betrayed me

You changed me

You stressed me

You laughed at my cries

You mocked me with humble words

You burned me with your cold kiss

If you where to ever try to do any of these things that just scratch the surface i would whip it out and say **** on this lol
Miss k was only lust but somehow manged to fence my heart and reduce my liver to dust
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