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Dec 2017 · 276
TLove D Dec 2017
There was a moment in our lives that we were a season. And like each season, we had our own time and purpose. In time, we found love. And in love, we found our purpose.

But seasons also change. And so did we.
Apr 2017 · 267
TLove D Apr 2017
When I was with you, I was home.*

Now my heart has gone astray,
I could no longer find a place to stay

Lost in a strange land,
I am buried deep into the desert sand

Nothing but a mirage in my vision,
A long journey without a mission
Mar 2017 · 434
TLove D Mar 2017
You reek of alcohol,
And as you try to crawl your way into sanity
Your skin perspires with sweat of desperation

You reek of cigarettes,
As you let the thick smoke linger inside your thoughts
Blinding you from your own pure existence

Then, you begin to cease everything you've done
You let time heal you, and now,
You reek of nothing but of love
~ T.Love
Mar 2017 · 339
Evolution of Men
TLove D Mar 2017
Puppeteers turned into monsters
Monsters turned into devils
Devils turned into men
Controlling, consuming, deceiving

Men turned into puppets
Puppets turned into preys
Preys turned into ghosts
Controlled, consumed, unwanted
Mar 2017 · 320
What If
TLove D Mar 2017
What if..

When I go to war,
the only weapon is love?

When I bleed,
I bleed colors that paint my skin
and I become a masterpiece?

When I die,
I die as a seed buried in the ground
and my soul as a rainbow waiting to be found?

Then, perhaps, You..
You are worth dying for
Mar 2017 · 687
I'm Sorry
TLove D Mar 2017
For the Soul I have hungered
For the Words I left unspoken
For the Tears I have not shed
For the Promises I made to be broken

For the Song I have not sung
For the Book I did not read
For the Gift I have not shared
For the Heart I left to bleed

For the Memories I have forgotten
For the Truth I have not told
For the Freedom I held captive
For the Feelings I let grow cold

For the Battles I have not won
For the Lies I have deceived
For the Love I took for granted
For the Life I have not lived

And to my Self, I’m sorry
For not seeing these through
This pain I have to carry
Because I have lost you
Mar 2017 · 846
We Are
TLove D Mar 2017
We are the irony of our life.*

We are hunters of our own happiness, but are cowards to not bear discomfort.

We want to be free, yet we are still slaves of our own thoughts.

We think of our wants, forgetting our needs.

We prepare for our future, but died on our way there.

We say that life is full of uncertainties, but the truth is,

We are.
Mar 2017 · 347
TLove D Mar 2017
I see you,
Standing in front of me,
So full of life, so confident, so free.

I blinked,
Then you started to doubt everything about yourself,
Just like when you left a book unfinished,
And put it back on the shelf.

I looked closer,
And I could see your soul trapped inside your eyes,
Waiting for your tears to fall from the skies,
To wash away the stains of all those colorful lies.

I found you,
Scattered across the floor, shattered and broken,
And now it’s too late to fix you as darkness has already fallen.

Your reflection is fading away.
If only I could find the right words to make you stay.

Now I just want to close my eyes and pretend to be blind,
For I could never put back together the pieces you’ve left behind.

— The End —