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They all stood watching
there in the shadows of the great forest

The lion and impala
looked at each other
concern in their eyes
the hawk and rabbit
viewed each other
their eyes had that same look
the mouse and the elephant
the wolf and the lamb
the mongoose and cobra
even the spider and the fly

All the creatures of the forest
the air and the sea
those of the great Serengeti
all of them



Gathered together to see
what man might do next
to further destroy their homes
 Jan 2015 Tee Hee
 Jan 2015 Tee Hee
The way I love her is unlike anything I've ever felt
My heart is literally melting
When she calls me
I hear her voice
And I'm at peace
My eyes meet hers
When I see her face  
And it brings tears to my eyes
I miss her so much even though I'm looking at her
Nothing can stray me away from her
She's the most amazing, worthy, lovely person I'll ever know
I want her to be my wife
She belongs in my life
I'm so in love it hurts
A pain so sweet
 Jan 2015 Tee Hee
 Jan 2015 Tee Hee
I seek the calm
And find the moment
Before agitation finds me
Once again
And makes silence
So I embrace the unrest
With music louder than thoughts
To strangle it
But without conclusion
Once again
Needs a little work... But could turn out good :)
 Jan 2015 Tee Hee
Some Person
Let's skip the
all-happy all-
the-time facade
I want to meet you
when one of us
is crying
and the other one
is high
Instead of
******* rainbows,
let's tell each other
about those
we've left behind
And when
I make love
to you,
you'll know
what it means
to be known,
and I'll know
what it means
to be home
 Jan 2015 Tee Hee
I don't care if they start rumors.
I don't care if they think it's a lie.
I don't care that we're not perfect.
I don't care about those other guys.
I don't care if we got haters,
And I don't care if they multiply.
There's only one thing I care about,
And that's you and I.
"And as long as we got each other,
We don't need anybody else on this earth..."
 Jan 2015 Tee Hee
Tammy M Darby
Listen the stillness
Of a broken lullaby
The deadness of a cold hand
The strength of agony in hardened eyes

The emptiness trickles softly in
Where loneliness reclines too bold
Jasmine smoke trails filled the air
With a story soon to be told

One teardrop shed for love
One teardrop shed for hate
One teardrop shed for the angel of power
One teardrop shed for your grave

Listen the damp darkness
Of a broken lullaby
White peacocks screaming in the night
The strength of agony in hardened eyes

This poem is copyrighted and stored in author base. All material subject to Copyright Infringement laws
Section 512(c)(3) of the U.S. Copyright
Act, 17 U.S.C. S512(c)(3), Tammy M. Darby Jan. 8, 2015
 Jan 2015 Tee Hee
I am Afraid
 Jan 2015 Tee Hee
I'm scared**
when I lie awake
to the creak of the floorboards
rustle of the bushes
the walls that seem to call my name

and even  
right under the bright sun
when every single flaw
and all the pain I feel
all in front of there eyes

and the honest truth is
I don't know how to smother the fear
lock it inside
transform into the strong person
they make me to be

so that's why I cry
and why I be-little who I am
I speak in little phrases
and hide behind my friends

and I wonder
shouldn't seventeen years and counting
toughened my bones
smoothed the edges
of a life I was supposed to lead?
another one. This is honest and raw, and I right now I can't think of how to explain this any better.
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