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 Sep 2015 Taylor Lynn
Luna Montez
You may think Im perfect. Thats far away from the truth.
All those nights you thought I was hanging with friends or was at a party.
When the reality was I was alone in my bedroom.
In the corner. By myself. All alone.
So lonley it could be.
Tears was running down my chin, it was black spots all over my pillow.
My pillow looked like a spotted art. But my heart was crushed in pieces.
My eyes, was almost closed. I felt the pain, as I were holding down my scream.
My scream, who could relase all these emotians.
Im not perfect. Im just very good at acting.
Your amber eyes penetrate my soul,
naked I feel and gravity loses control.
All around you, for my balance I seek,
then I lose it, amazed by your heart beat.

Everything in you invites me in.
With strange feelings my body glows,
dazzled by your passionate glare,
I surrender in our daring stare.

My personal brand of sweet poison,
sublime desire in every edge of you,
in a million frenzy battles we sink,
breathless our flaming souls spin.

Eternal vows under the starry nights we share,
expelling unbearable thoughts of being apart.
Unconditional love, screams through our veins,
reflecting the sweet insanity of our hearts.

Interlaced in my arms, you dive in peaceful dreams,
my adorable new life, you sway our bodies heavenly.
I trace every line of you when you're sleeping...
and then I whisper...
I do love you sweetheart, for all Eternity.

© Christina Philipe
 May 2015 Taylor Lynn
Maria Imran
I don't know what to do with myself
I am so tired
but your thought runs like a drug in my
veins and I cannot stop
thinking, missing, wanting.
I yearn for another "hello", or just one
 May 2015 Taylor Lynn
Maybe there's a reason
Deeper than childish fears
That you tuck your feet under your blanket
And keep a nightlight near
Check the door twice
Look left and right
What is it about the night
That fills us with such fright?

We're afraid of the unknown
The darkness itself
could be home
To goblins our ghouls
Thieves or wolves
The darkness is the kingdom
In which our imagination rules
 Apr 2015 Taylor Lynn
There's far too much
to say about our
invisible electricity, our complicated
simplicity that fills me
with just enough joy
to last me through
my day of toxicity.

To make me hunger
for your sweet, stubbly
kiss that fills the
little hole that was so
viciously knawing
at my soul.

In love, I can't pretend
in life, my bestfriend
I can't stop the emotions
that slowly creep up
expand and distend
foreign feelings, I am
able to happily follow
yet not comprehend.
My tiny heart has swollen
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