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 Aug 2014 Tammy Lorraine
I was asked, why do I write and all I could think of to say,
was because I believe.

I believe looks matter.
There is
healing in a look of compassion,
love in understanding,
comfort in tears cried with me.

But one look away, ignoring
can break a heart.

I believe touch matters.
There is
care enclosed in a hug,
relief in a hand placed on a shoulder,
encouragement in a touch on the passing by.

But pulling away, distance
can break a heart.

I believe words matter.
There is
acceptance in words of forgiveness,
restoration in mercy and grace,
healing in kind, soothing whispers.

But one word out of bitterness, hatred
can break a person.

I write because I believe words matter.
I write because I believe you matter.

Sometimes it takes
thousands of words
to heal a broken soul

and I want to tell you,

I will write
word after word,
paragraph after paragraph,
page after page.
As long as it takes,
I will write until you finally believe
that you matter.
 May 2014 Tammy Lorraine
I have been deeply
by the Sun.

My skin
unmistakably glistening,
the sensual moistness of her tongue.

Scorched by passion
from the very beginning.
A frenzied possession,
so deep,
now genetically smitten.

A torrid affair
by certain perceptions.
defiantly unbreakable.
To wit questionable,
sometimes unbearable.


I must confess
her kiss riles me,
and with it,
hails me.

the jealously of men
the sheer beauty
in her embrace.


I am at a loss, I despair,
I don't understand it.

Driven mad
by the affection of her face.

**© Qwey.ku
race theory is a myth made of ***** sneaky pipe bombs
filled with the shrapnel of financial ******
past, present and future.
race is a social invention.
I sunbathe all year round
I am permanently brown.

— The End —