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AndresAjala Mar 6
I speak to you, my child,
so you may let me go,
let me rise to the heavens,
where the angels await me.

I speak to you, my child,
so you know that I am at peace,
so you allow me to continue my journey,
where I am meant to be.

I speak to you, my child,
so you don’t hold me back,
so you let me run among the clouds,
where my path has only just begun.

I speak to you, my child,
so you set me free,
so you let me let go,
where my soul will finally be free.

Father, I have understood that letting you go
is to set myself free.

Father, here I light these five candles,
one to thank you for every gift,
one to thank you for every moment we shared,
one to honor all your sacrifices for me,
one for every inspiration and affirmation,
one to cherish every touch and every kiss.

Five candles that hold all the love you gave me.
Was it enough or not?
It was all we knew how to give.

I let you go.
Rest in peace.
I love you, Father.
Nagarjun Gopal Jul 2020
It doesn’t seem to fade
Nor ever cease to invade
you never care to confront
Nor ready to take the brunt

Bring that side of yours
Dipped in biting cold
numb and growing old
Running afar from life

Let those waves from the ocean
Which lost its way to the shore
tickle those buried emotions
Which never kissed your eyes

Hold that scar with grit
Feed thy love till it chokes
And being it back to life
Than it was ever before

While the scar seems to fade
Slowly comes the wound
The one you can feel
The one only you can heal
Its about those unhealed wounds which have turned to scars. A poetic attempt to take those scars back in time to the stage of wound and heal them with love!

— The End —