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Martin Mikelberg Nov 2018
wedges and edges in elections in the USA?  Time to make changes is now!!!
Gabriel burnS May 2018
And some might say
I've lost my way
But who are they
To judge
When numbers rule
Our nights and days
A life of Midas' touch

And all of those
Who quantify
All the good and woe
Will be too vain to realize
They are their own foe

And some might say
I've lost my way
A sentence I'd forgive
But it's the dreamer, not society
Who, the way forward, shall cleave
I dug this up from the dust...
the gang worked assiduously
on ridding their so called
of those who'd not tow the line
or be compliant with their

they expended much energy
more especially the two in
the methods they employed
had the characteristics of a

pushing out others so they'd
obtain all the popularity
could be said they were lower
than nine hundred feet

they're now ever so contended
with a job that was well
sitting back feeling so satisfied
smugness in what's been

it is supposed that they'll keep
toiling for supremacy's
whilst at the same time driving
a very disagreeable
Julie Grenness May 2016
This, the thin end of the green wedge,
Suburban bushland at society's edge,
listening to party platforms,
can anyone believe such reforms?
Yes, election time in anxious Australia,
Who is to be our climate saviour?
We hear spellbinding visions,
Are these swept away by ambitions?
Insatiable appetites of giant companies,
I thought the land of Oz was for you and me.....
Feedback welcome.

— The End —