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It’s a hard time existing
In a plane of smooth surfaces
And nothing that will give at all
Foreshadowing society
It's just squares and boxes here
Nothing concave
Or convex
Everything is made of plastic
And I'm living in a numb world
That won't ever accept
Something that tries anything
12 lines, 277 days left.
I was just going to school
I was just picking up groceries
I was just seeing a movie
I was with my friends at a concert
I was with my family at the mosque
So many statistics were just people
Like yourself and me
Living their lives
Not looking for trouble
But there's a hate and fear
That gets poured into the pockets
Of arms dealers
So the hateful and fearful
Can pour lead into people
Like yourself and me
Who lose their name when they lose their last breaths
And become another number in this year's statistics
17 lines, 278 days left.
The dark comes in close
Wrapping me tight tonight,
And I search for someone
To save me.

Helpless, alone,
Just embers left
To guide me
From the candle fuse,
And the darkness closes in around me.

Begging, pleading,
I strain to be let away,
But its grip is tight
As an anaconda,
Tracing its fangs to my neck
From my shoulder blades.

Within an inch of foresight,
I can feel my heartbeat waning,
And hear teardrops
Pierce the night silence
While the city sleeps;
I ask once more for someone
To give my feet placement,

But one cannot hold another’s heart
Whilst forsaking their own,
And thus, one cannot give another their heart
If giving is expectant
That to whom it’s given,
Will put back together,

For my mistake,
Was hoping for someone else,
When I, so many times,
Could have freed myself,
If only I put myself back together,

But I’ve swept the shattered pile
And sewn the tattered pieces,
Slowly feeling more encouraged
With every change in season

With now, a reason,
And even a desire,
To press on.
47 lines, 279 days left.
The fire surrounding me couldn’t get hotter
The pain is starting to make even breathing harder
Beads of sweat and tears of agony fall towards my feet
But evaporate before they can touch the ground
Another walk through hell is just beginning
No turning back, and pausing only means more hurting
So I look forward and let the music fill my ears
And dance my way through to celebrate the fact
That it’s never getting worse than this
9 lines, 280 days left.
The knife I take down my throat
To vindicate my thoughts
Of ruinous infection,
Deceives all sensation,
All thoughts, and ceases
To exist myself,
Until the blade conceals,
And the only tell
Of even its unsheathing
Is that of the daylight
Pouring in through
Windows of which
I had forgotten,
To strike the flower
I left out alone in the open.

The scent of the previous day
Made aware though permeation
From the bottles
Left open
To fill the air
With their intention,
But lit candles
Will once again
Flush the awful realization,
As the day sheds colors
To the night,
And when the music hits,
And the temperament
Fills veins with built and bottled-up
Stresses, the candles will smell great
As the chaser takes away the sting
From the blade,
And the flower, unconcealed,
Let without any pressures
Or internal guilt,
Finally able to be myself,
If only for one more night.
38 lines, 281 days left.
I depend on you
You depend on me
They depend on us
We depend on them
One goal
Every hand building
Equal parts of the ladder
Know your position
Take pride in your tasks
Together we will do
What none of us could do as one
11 lines, 282 days left.
Everyone is broken
Having something filed away
That no words
Or comfortable place can eliminate
The detriment and the weight;
Have some compassion,
Some empathy,
For your eyes alone
Aren’t through which
Seen are all things,
Don’t close yourself off,
Open wide,
For there are many different perspectives
And many sets of eyes.
14 lines, 283 days left.
Why am I trying to catch this light,
When it runs away
Just as the last.

Why can't I understand,
That to touch it
Is impossible once passed?

But it's beauty I am left
Entranced, wishing for it
To hold in my hands,

But trying is a frailty better left
In the bottomless pit
I found it in.

For the fly cannot be caught,
Only forgotten to be left alone,
Or swatted after the annoyance.

The light cast before me,
Was not a light,
Just another caught up in their own image,

Gathering a flock of bleating men
Who would swear, each of them,
That the light chose them.

A light only passing by to turn heads,
Is a light better left forsaken,
Never to be admired again.

This game I will not play,
But no worries, little cruelty,
Beyond me await many more to ensnare.
35 lines, 285 days left.
The song weaves me apart
To appease the tension
In my heart
Before taking strings
And sewing me back together
I will cry from the tension release
And cry more when the song is over
Leaving tear trails
From my eyes
That soak and run
Between my fingers
Like rivers down
Down my forearms
But I'll be okay
When the song is over
I'll be okay
When the lyrics speak to me
As them I could have written
I have a relationship with music, you see
One that you could never understand.
20 lines, 286 days left.
I don't want to hear another sound,
Another word,
Another thought echo through
The caverns that run deep;
Just let my hair
Drape my face
From existence
Before I let out
Another deafening
Sound when my eyes shut
The world away.

I'm worn,
And I'm hurting;
Just let the ambient sounds
Fade out,
And seconds progress;
I can't even look at myself,
Or undress the dirt;
I’ll just lay here
At the ceiling
Hearing the sirens break
This desired silence,
Wondering if, one day,
I’ll be the reason
For their whining
Or if would even I call out.
29 lines, 287 days left.
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