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Ashwin Kumar Feb 1
Dear Jaya Aunty and Kannan Uncle, wish you a happy anniversary
For the late wishes, am I sorry
However, extended family you definitely are
And for you both, greatly do I care!

Dear Jaya Aunty and Kannan Uncle, wish you a happy anniversary
God made a wonderful discovery
When he created you two
As human beings, you are so true!!

Dear Jaya Aunty and Kannan Uncle, wish you a happy anniversary
We are a beautiful family
Sharing joys and sorrows in equal measure
Our bond is something to greatly treasure!!

Dear Jaya Aunty and Kannan Uncle, wish you a happy anniversary
May the pair of you always be filled with joy
Blossoming with deep, unconditional love
Very special indeed, is the number thirty-five!!

Dear Jaya Aunty and Kannan Uncle, wish you a happy anniversary
I hope you had a memorable day
You care so much for others
It's high time you did the same for yourselves
And for that, what better day than today?
May you keep all worries at bay!!

Dear Jaya Aunty and Kannan Uncle, wish you a happy anniversary
May you share many a sweet memory
Take care, love you to pieces
And see you soon, this time at our house
After all, so often have we been to your lovely little place
It's time you returned the favour
Again, hope you had a day to savour!!
Wishing my unofficial parents a very very happy 35th wedding anniversary!!!
Anais Vionet Jul 2021
Paris, earlier today. It’s a (vaccinated) summer family reunion and I’m catching up with relatives I haven’t seen for AGES. Like my impeccably dressed (three piece suit on a warm, un-air-conditioned, Saturday) 83 year old great uncle.

We cheek kiss

“STILL searching for love, Uncle Remy?”

“Forget love. My dear, I’m an old, self-absorbed narcissist. What I look for is someone young and frivolous whose most complicated desire is fun - specifically fun that can be bought - that’s an important distinction.”

I gasp and pose.

“You’re looking for MEEEE!,” I squeal.

“Oh, if I needed a spoiled, over-serious, temperamental, unappeasable rich girl - I’d think of you.”

“You GET me!,” *I beam with pride
My French family are SO funny - they are brutal with complements. =]
Christmas is traditions
some last and others die
some leave you feeling fuzzy
others leave you asking "Why?"
There's rules that must be followed
And most of them we know
About gifts and cards and Christmas trees
and then there's mistletoe....

We all know the tradition
We all know what it is
You meet under the berries
And then you both must kiss
But, there's etiquette surrounding
The dreaded mistletoe
And there are things you aren't aware of
And I thought you all should know....

Always kiss your Aunties
Do it quick and on the cheek
Their lips are full of slobber
and sometimes they just reek

Grandmas, get a quick kiss
And ignore the sounds they make
Don't hug Grannies too tightly
They are brittle and might break

Avoid the pervert Uncles
With hands and eyes that roam
They act one way at Christmas
And another way at home

The little kids, won't kiss you
So, it's fun to give them chase
Make sure there's lots of slobber
So, they can wipe it off their face

Make sure kissing Grandad
That he has got his teeth
That they're not somewhere  in a glass
or worse, smiling from a wreath

Always kiss your Mum though
Beware, Mums will always cry
and they will get you going too
No matter how hard you try

Kiss the one you came with
Let them know just how you feel
That your love for them's eternal
And your love for them is real

Kissing is tradition
and at Christmas can be great
But, don't kiss all the women
And forget about your date

The most important rule of all
If you don't want your bell rung
When kissing 'neath the mistletoe

— The End —