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Traveler Dec 2024
I recognise my ego nature
as I fall into
judgemental rage..
Still, I grasp a hold of my mind
allowing my higher self to take the stage.
Thoughts are clouds
they’re plagues, they’re thief’s,
of which
mindfulness is the only relief.

Worse than an American diet
stress will take its toll…
Better learn to meditate
before you get too old!
Traveler 🧳 Tim

Stress can **** more micro biome in your stomach than a bad diet.
Stress kills!
That’s a fact..
Traveler Dec 2024
Are dreams meant
to be mastered?
I doubt such a plan..
Try and recall all the
dimensions we frequent in REM.

Bedrooms and hallways it’s always the same..
Uncomfortably lost
in an eternal maze…

An institution of collective dreamers, all trying to escape!
Then quickly forgetting
when we awake..

What is that voice that is not us,
Why are we hiding and gathering all this stuff?

Nature always has a plan
somewhere in the DNA
of being human..
Traveler Tim

If you live to be 80, Six years of the 80 will be while your dreaming..
Traveler Dec 2024
I try not to believe in things.
Instead, I observed things with no preconceived judgement.

I believe my truck could still be in the garage where I parked it.

I believe there’s a ghost of a chance that anyone can avoid betrayal.

I believe in the end it doesn’t even matter.

I believe when ignorance ends knowledge begins.
Traveler 🧳 Tim
Traveler Dec 2024
We are but perpetual donkey's chasing a carrot
on an invisible rod
suspended from our collar.
Oh how I love that mighty dollar.

In my pocket, in my bank
I love the way money stinks!
Credit unions deep in debt
I haven’t lost my bitcoin yet..

Invisible credit shall suffice
like you the bank robs me
most every night..
Buy some silver, buy some gold,
buy some land before you fold..

The love of money
can be a hell of a load..
Traveler 🧳 Tim

My real nest egg is my good health!
Traveler Dec 2024
There’s no labor
When we’re in the zone
Every line is on its own
Every stanza polished and pure
What was it that drew us here

Some shadow driven desire
A dopamine rush if you please
Like a yogi in the moment
Like a dogs tail wagging free

From the masses we have risen
The quickening is quite satisfying
All the addictions we could have
And it’s poetry that we rely on.
Traveler 🧳 Tim
Traveler Dec 2024
The simplicity of rhymes
freely flows
through the readers mind.
As simplistic words unravel
in an array of poetic babble
we channel
the memes of our muses.

No forced word can capture,
no college can teach
the aesthetics of laughter,
the glamour of grief.

The essay of brilliance
awaits in the zone.
The Muse and the Master
in the hearts of gold.
Traveler Tim
Traveler Dec 2024
The drones have made themselves known.
Who knows where they come from
who knows where they go?
This could be the end for all we know.
White blinking lights swarm the skys,
sporadic patterns, deep state lies.

It seems that we are accelerating into crazy.
But our leaders assures there is no threat.
(How would they know?)

P.s Where can I purchase one of these crafts?
Traveler Tim
Traveler Dec 2024
A seed of type
  dormant within
10 to 20 years
can slip pass
again and again..

Still the seed is sprouting
in every part of life
I can see it in my children
I can feel it in my wife.

A bean stalk so grandeur
it stretches to the sky
I wouldn't let another 10 years
of good living pass me by.
Traveler Tim

I love living!
Traveler Dec 2024
Dear Creative minds..
Imagine living in a moment
where there is no future
and no past,
only now!
You just got here.
And there for
the way you feel
in this moment
is your decision...
Traveler Tim
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