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Påłpëbŕå Dec 2020
She fades


a little

each day


the way

she caused

her own

December 1
Asominate Feb 2019
I'm sick of these transfusions
I always have to give
You're always the one dying
And you need my blood to live

Universally you recieve
But very picky how you donate
As a universal giver
This I don't appreciate

Not everybody can love me
Not everyone has what it takes
Only my kind,
I find,
Can love me, and love me straight

No matter the circumstances,
My love never be returned
Because our transfusion doesn't work that way
You leave me dry,
To die
And burn
I'm O positive, by the way!
'Tis better to give than to recieve?
Samuel Evan Jun 2015
Look at me
Do you see my crying?
Just wait and see
Cause there's two of us dying
No it's plain to see
You need a transfusion
New life force to help you
Break through your illusion
Break through all the lies
That you've come to believe
All the lies that bring people
Down to their knees
They need some new life
A new heart to beat on
Beating and marching
Till their hearts are gone

Drop my hand my friend
It's really quite ok
This blood I give you freely
So you get through the day
I've drawn my blood on purpose
Dragged a knife clear and clean
The blood is coming freely now
And with it, please be freed.

You think my blood is on your hands
Think you're the one in foreign lands
But it's not on your hands
It's in your heart
Blood given freely's a form of art
No it's not a wound,
No scar will form
It's precise my friend
The way I've been torn
I've pricked myself clean,
The needle was true
This blood is a gift
This blood is for you.

My friend it's over.
There's not much to say.
To pull blood with syringes
You must pull away.
The blood's not on your hands. It's in your heart.
Dania Jul 2014
Our hearts
Felt bloods
Infusing serenity
Into one another's bodies.

And it felt right.

— The End —