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meri May 2018
half-submerged in water, i lie & watch the stars commute.
my eyes do not remember that the ground has drunk its fill
and try to make their trickling tributes both at once.

neurons aching from disuse, will i grow roots? when will i
germinate? my planting time has passed, yet still i
rot and stagnate here– i fear this puddle waxes brackish.
i will not survive the year.
my first submission! :) hello hello.
Kaddy Mar 2018
When you think and think and think
and yet find yourself rooted
to the same spot

(you’ve thought yourself into stagnation)

fight or flight has become fright

suspended between awake and asleep

life and living

hiding and revealing

(thinking… and some more thinking)
(when is too much too little?)
Sarah Elizabeth Dec 2017
She sits on her bed wondering if she will ever get better.
Ever BE better.
She wonders if her choices and emotions are her fault
Or a product of something deeper.
She stares at herself in the mirror
and wonders
If her tired eyes were caused by the torrent of tears, or instead, if they were caused by life's tolls.
What she doesn't know,
Is that the only person who sees her in this way
Is herself.
Is only the underdog
To herself.
I was reading through old journals I wrote for creative writing and this was one of them. The prompt for the journal was "The underdog..."
Maria Etre May 2017
It took
an elevator ride
to realize
and notice
the ups and downs
of regular days
and that's a good thing
for my darling
you have not
M Harris Feb 2017
Stagnation never takes its course within oneself.
Praying at the crossroads, hoping things would go well.

Ahead of us lies
A Different standard of meaning,
Adding concrete facets to the once so-called oddity.
Clinging on the urge to stay on track and keep moving.
I just take this strange continuum,
Leaving all my peers bemused and clueless.
Have I changed, have I gone insane?
Even past is haunting me,
I have no time to turn around . . .
Ignatius Hosiana Jun 2016
Is it the things we do or those we don't?
the memories we cherish or ones that haunt?
the roads we took or those we feared?
Is it the mistakes we made when we veered?
the books we read and smiled, or chapters left untouched?
forgiveness or thousand grudges piled?Is it open doors or the latched?
Is it flowers which bloomed or those whilst tender fell?
Is it the Friends we made or those we lost, the beloved or the loathed
the milestones or the failures, the laugh or the rivers of tears
is it the reality or the Alias, our maturity or the years
is it Comedy or tragedy?
Is it unity we deserve or the drifting apart?
Is it healing or breaking millions a heart?
Is it transformation or stagnation while time goes?
Is it the peace that once was or the Wars?
*what's humanity?
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