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Solaces Jul 2014
I have been in the shade far to long..  Even walking in the sun this darkness looms over me..  Yesterdays haunt me to a point of seeing no tomorrows.. I can still hear the bell toll its one note song..  It was 12,000 years later,  12,000 years of being in such shade.. That I finally saw the sun above this sky..  The ghost and dreams of my children have brought me here to this place.. A sun sized planet that is home to the divine gear..  A technology built by a higher being.. A technology that can take an immortal to the next realm, to heaven..  The divine gear will complete my star drive..  And there it spun.. Driving the life on this huge planet..  I knew I could not take it with me now..  As taking it from this place would end all life on this beautiful planet..  I could feel it calling to me.. I closed my eyes.. It begun to spin in all its divinity..  It made me see, feel, hear, and make real all of its dreams..  For the moment I moved throughout all of the universe, I saw what it wanted me to do.. Then I would be awarded the passage to heaven.. When I opened my eyes I felt different.. I saw things different.. I heard things different.. I felt things different.. Through the eyes of a God I could see emotion..  On my right hand there was now a tatoo of the divine gear itself.. But this tatoo spun within my hand guiding me on where to go next.. It was time to bring life to this vast dead universe..  It begins with me..  Heaven awaits..
And thus life spreads.....  Begins and feeds..
pastelflowr May 2014
People keep asking me

"Why do you love him?"
"What so great about him?"

They always give harsh criticisms

  "He's too old."                                                                                          
  "He's too young."                                                  
      ­                                        "He's too short."                                                   
                                     "He's too tall.".    
                                                                ­                       "He's too fat."                      
                                                                ­                                    "He's too thin."

I keep saying

"Do you need a reason to love someone?"

To me
When it comes to love
The age, the height, the weight
Is just a number
pastelflowr May 2014
You've something
That the man doesn't

"What is it?"
You've a strong heart
A tough one

"How do you know?"

You can see it clearly
By looking at yourself


Yes, you
Even when you're sad
You never show you gloominess
Even when you're facing problems
You never forget to give a smile

"But, now I can't smile."


"He dumped me."
"He says 'we're not meant for each other.' "

Don't be sad
My little one

"I guess I just not perfect for him."

No, my little one

The one who has problem is him
Not you
You may not be perfect
But he's the one who never noticed the beauty behind it

He leaves you
He lost the precious things, you

Don't cry! Don't be sad!
You're not yet exposed to the real world
And when you do
You'll meet many types of person

And one of them
Will be a man
A man who will give you what you deserve

"Deserve? What I deserve?"


'Cause you are not a toy to play with
You heart is precious
It's fragile

When come the time you meet that man
Hold him tight
Don't let he go
Fight for him
'Cause it's worth it
'Cause he's the one
Make sure you fall in love with a guy who worth to fight for
pastelflowr May 2014
You don't like me?
You hate me?
It's okay
It's doesn't bother me

Every single minute
You talk about me
You bad mouthed about me
Telling everyone
How disgrace I am
How I don't deserve to be alive

You slowly stabbed me
With your words
Like a sword
Rupturing all part of my body
Tearing every single cell in it

Are you happy now?
Are you satisfied?
Does it worth?
Are you done talking about me?

Now, it's my turn
Let me talk
Let me say
All the words
All the things
That I've been holding these days

Let me talk
Let me say
All the words
All the things
What I think of you

"I feel pity of you."

The hatred
Fill the emptiness of your heart
The bloods flow into every part of your body
Full of hatred

"I'm grateful to you."

You cared about my life
Every part of it without any miss
You noticed all mistakes that I made
Even the tiniest one
That cannot be seen with naked eyes

"Thank you."

You opened my eyes wide
Make me realise
Who's the real friends
Who's the fake one

You let me know
Who's my friends
Who's my foe

Not every devil is a devil from the start

So now,
Tell me
Tell me why
Why you're doing this?
Our life is short..
We don't have times for hating anyone..
Spares your times for the precious one..
pastelflowr May 2014
There are two types of person in this world
A good one
A bad one

Those who are good
May not forever good

Those who are bad
May not forever bad

Human! Human!
Always dig into others past
Only noticed our mistakes
Only remember the bad sides

They never noticed once
The changes we made
They never remember once
The kindness we gave

Don't forget
There'll be a person
Who'll accept who we are
Who'll forget the past
And be with us in the present

And when comes the time you meet them
Hold them tight
Don't ever let them go

They're the truly one
It's hard to find the true friends..
pastelflowr May 2014
What you think is true
May not be true

What you think is lie
May not be lie

Make a wise decisions
Whether to trust or to doubt

A heart will be broken
Whether it's yours
Or others'
Trust or Doubt?
A hard thing in life
pastelflowr May 2014
Everyone deserves peace

No one deserves war

Why is it happening?
Why is it occur?

Is it because of
It's because of
Your selfishness?
Your greediness?

Open your eyes wide
Look around you!

"Ahh! Ahh!"

The scream of poor women

"Mom! Dad!"

The sound of innocent children crying
Begging for their parents back

"Forgive us!"

The begging of forgiveness
Of the old folks
When it's not even their fault!

Even the creatures of the earth
Nowhere to be seen

All of them
Dead! Destroyed!
Just because of your stupid war!

You're saying

"They're terrorists!"

How dare you?!
How could you?

Are their life that priceless?
Are their life that meaningless to you?

Where does it go?
Where could it be?

Where is it?
Where is the justice you promise to give?

They don't deserve this
They don't deserve war
They deserve peace

They're humans

They're humans
Like us

What will you do if they're your family?
Let's give our support and pray for the victims of the war!!
And please don't treat others differently just because of their religion..
We're one, right??:)))
Peace No War!
I want to explode
Grow, shatter, spread, fill the sky
'Till I don't feel small.

— The End —