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Misha Barry Dec 2018
History is old, but there are many stories that never got told,
There are things that no one will ever know,
I ask myself why the world is this position, what build up made this transition?
History books stitching bits of information together,
Missing so many pieces, they placed things where they wanted, told the teachers and they taught it, and we all bought it
But now I can’t help but to dawn on it.
Lies mascaraed the truth, we’ve beaten people black and blue just so you can do what you do,
This whole country was founded on hate,
No wonder so many people are stuck in a negative space,
They say we have freedom but there is reason none of us are speaking up, we’re stuck,
Tied to money, like cinder blocks on our feet, we sink,
Our foundation made of our ancestors bones, we sit on top of it like a throne of lies
You’re on the top of the pyramid no surprise, how many people did you have to step on to get that high?
You’re low, beneath the ground, hell bound, I don’t even believe in it
But the way people are getting treated is way beyond out of convenience,
It’s a repetitive, destructive sequence,
Screaming at high frequency
Can you see?
Or are you as blind as they’ll let you be.
I wrote this thinking about all the ancient knowledge that was lost, and I was thinking about the native Americans, big industries that take advantage of people, and animals, greed, all the hate in the world, The education system, a lot inspired this poem
The Unsung Song Mar 2018
Are we equal?
this question has been asked several times,
and it will be asked several more.

If you were to ask me,
we aren't.
No one is equal,
because no one is the same.

If humans were equal,
then you could hire any one of us,
to do the same job.

Should we be treated equal?
Now that's a totally different question.
But still,
my answer is no.

If you were to treat,
a mentally handicapped person,
the same as someone who is not,
mentally handicapped,
it would be considered wrong by the general public.

This is why I say,
that humans should be treated with equity,
This is also the #1 problem,
with the United States school system.

The quality of being fair and impartial.
This is the definition of equity.
When you treat someone this way,
they stand a fair trial.

But when you teach someone,
the same exact way,
and the same exact material,
that you teach to someone completely different,
it is unfair,
and it is partial.

Einstein once said,
"Everybody is a genius.
But if you judge a fish,
by its ability to climb a tree,
it will live its whole life,
believing that it is stupid."

In today's age,
every single person is expected to be a monkey,
and everyone that isn't,
is judged,
and ridiculed,
for being a fish.
Gabriella Chiodo Mar 2016
No matter how hard you try, it is impossible to teach creativity.
Society tells all of us to be creative and original,
That we all shouldn't be afraid of expressing ourselves.
This all holds true,
For we should be proud of who we are.
How is originality possible when we are taught to conform?
We're taught from day one to only use certain colors.
To read, write, and think a certain way.
If we don't adhere to this "certain way,"
Then we are seen as wrong.
We're all expected to be this one, cookie cutter student.
A one size fits all type of person.
What happened to our originality instilled deep down within us?
There is no wrong way to express YOURself.
The education system is the great inhibitor to our creativity.
Creativity may be impossible to teach, but it sure is possible to unteach.
School systems should be encouraging students to embrace their differences & should stop holding back the creative minds of our youth.

— The End —