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raquezha Jun 2019
"welcome home"

two words that
bring back
the beat in my heart
I feel alive again
I'll take you
to a field
full of reeds
I'll watch you bloom
under the sun
You're all I need
now that you're here
Please don't ever leave
Take my hand
and follow my lead.
raquezha Jun 2019
morning comes
and morning goes
and it's all because
of the coffee
you're making me
that gives me another
reason to continue


thinking like that
only makes it fair
for no matter
what happens
I still believe
that everyone
has a happy
place to stay

and that place
is where
you can find me
Staring right back at you

"welcome home"
raquezha Jun 2019
us—the fallen
created by loneliness
fathomed by dizziness
standing in front of
this great black coffee
we are ready
bring out all you can
we'll never surrender
throw us some bread
don't let us sleep
don't let us starve to death
us—the sleepless
we'll fight until
morning comes
raquezha Jun 2019
Die with me
let's climb
the highest tree
wrap ourselves
with the clothes of time
Let's jump
in the finest position
take our soul
keep it inside the bottle

Let's wait
for the ground to hit us
for the branch to reach us
for the leaves to save us
for the ones who leaves us
for us
raquezha Jun 2019
me against
everybody else
It's always the same
every day
of the month
it's always the same
I open my eyes
I draw a line between
morning and  evening
I make a fist
held it high
high enough
for the birds to see
and everyday passes me by
raquezha Jun 2019
Stars crashed
in front of me
as I go to private streets
I tend to think
beyond those painful hints
I tend to cry
over simple thought
that you and I
will never work
I tend to walk
until I can
no longer walk
why on earth
would you make me feel
that there can never be
you and me
raquezha Jun 2019
three people
entered the room
one was asking
about the moon
why does it search
for the stars
run away
and never come back
the other one
was asking
about the sun
why does it follow
the moon
and light it's path
last one was
asking about you
why did you hide the stars?
raquezha Jun 2019
Live today
survive tomorrow
clear your mind
Look at the world
don't close your eyes
and stay

as clear as the sea
that's what you should see
there's nothing
more like you
in this world
than you could ever be

the world's gonna end someday
but it's not fun to not have you today
raquezha Jun 2019
come inside
feel at home
take your time
you're never alone
sit back
rest your back
look at the sky
follow your breathing
look at the sky
now close your eyes
continue breathing
take all the good memories
exhale all your worries
don't ever leave
don't forget to live
raquezha Jun 2019
Lover of the sun
You always look young
For centuries
you've been looking up
In the morning you wake up
and  looking down
waiting for the sun
to come down
waiting for the night
to pass by
Asking the moon
what to say
when the morning comes

Good morning again, Mr. Sun
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