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Nat Lipstadt Jul 2024
(so many revolutions provoked, this is just the first cut)
this rabbinic saying, is both disarming and yet awesome,
the interpretations are many, but I find them stained, strained,
and I welcome the “pshat,” the simple mystery of the
what YOU think
is plain meaning of the words,
that makes it so sensible to us,
formatted into our own personalized

for the nth time when the poetry won’t come,
or arrives warped, spoilt fruit,
incapable of being repaired
and walk away
with ease
though tinged by
being ill at ease,
but properly snap the padfolio shut…

(but smile on, for the
revolutions are
(1j Rabbi Tarfon
“You are not required to finish your work, yet neither are you permitted to desist from it.” This is from Pirke Aboth, or “The Ethics of the Fathers” (sometimes called “The Sayings of the Fathers”) a collection of wisdom from the Jewish Talmudic sages, in this case, Rabbi Tarfon, who lived and taught
2,000 years ago

first cut/ first version..simmered for awhile
Andrew Rueter Apr 2020
Ghost Adventures is a joke
a TV show and a hoax
for people who’ve toked
and superstitious folks.

They’re live streaming an episode on the Dybbuk Box
for viewers to gimmick watch
The Duke and Earl’s
farce to unfurl.

They bring in a rabbi
to play along
to say what’s wrong
but the rabbi says there’s nothing to the Dybbuk Box
in response the ******* scoffs
because the cynic stopped
his thickened plot.

They tried to use the rabbi’s trade
to substantiate their charade
with credibility of a higher grade
but the rabbi protected his religion
better him than someone indifferent
who’s living in a paycheck prison
instead the rabbi made the decision
to stop the derision
with a logical incision.
Ken Pepiton Jun 2019
A voice. No a breeze, whirling a vibe,
signal down my left-ear hole

gap - do I follow this sprite, a whispt hiss,
this way,

come and see.
Here men invented history, the written story tell of
piles of cities on cities, where all the books was boined.

why did men do that? I listen to me ask,

ology was invented here,
ology-gnosis mist interp o'sin,
that started here, the corrosion
on the contact points between the Sybils and home-base,
Storytellers forgot the melody. The mason's lost the knack.

Written words, those froze the gods in place and
anointed the roles,
in order of importance to the common weal and woe.

--Anachron active.
There are ever resistors to restoration of the flow.
Now is part of ever, you know,
so as Three-channel-era professors seem today,
so were Oral
Storytellers from the initiate class,
doing their duty for the old school ways,
used to
make a child sacred, offer it, the sacred thing,
death is symbolic, the heart is taken, with the mind,

a boy or a girl is taken from all reality, and offered, as a living heart and mind,
and gut,
Sacri-ficed, arti-****-of-truth-to-be made knower of things others cannot handle,

---- snake kachina dances past my per-ipher phor phun...
--- loss of focus, that's
the crime of buying what only initiated and locked-in magi
are ever allowed to know, by God, say the words written

in script captured from the scribes who came from Phoenica,
testified by the Sybil in throes of ecstacy, you will never know...

so, make it worth my while, the seer of such things says
to the widowed mother
whose hoplite husband fell off a cliff running from Thermopylae.

I'll get your kid in the school of the prophets, through the door
of dark and mysterious learning,
requiring a substantial League of Delphi guar-ohnteed low usery,
standard "borrower is servant to the lender", fifty years period.

--Anachron off.
Do they have this in 2019? Timeslip. It's on Youtube, there's
a blockchain on the door, though,
nothing is sacred any more
than before.
It's time the whole story hidden where ideas ignored in idle words
have been received,
be told.
Erasmus, looks up, try this, he says.

Ha, ala Textus Receptus, Magustory of Blowhards and Slowbellies.

Some future, alls I got to say. This is some future we all imagined,

is there an option? Maybe, as in, whose may overides mine?

There is a whole story, I learn, as I wander through the ruins...

Rabbi, where do you live?
He saw me, calling from the ruins, he winked and said again,
Come and see.
Online Western Heritage Classes, while tending to the peace in my valley.
Have you heard this little story
Of a rabbi and a Christian priest,
Differing in their separate ways,
But are friends, to say the least.

One day, the rabbi asked the priest
In total confidence:
"Could you put up with any man
"That airs his impudence

"When he confesses that he needs
"No sermon nor advice
"From those like you whom he believes
"To be not worldly-wise?"

The priest thought for a moment,
Then answered with some ease,
"A man who frankly speaks his mind
"Is finally at peace

"Not only with himself but God,
"Confession being the bridge
"Across which he could reach the top
"Of his salvation's ridge."

The rabbi shook his head and said:
"There is no way, of course,
"Confession without penitence
"Could be the bridge to cross."

"But," said the priest, "consider this,
"By God's eternal grace,
"We choose two different routes but get
"Together in one place."

— The End —