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Sillage Nov 2015
You sat next to me in quietude
But your heartbeats called me deafeningly
Reluctant to hear your voice rupture
While I waited for my name to echo stoically  

You sat next to me in quietude  
But you fought the guilt inside you solely
Tackled it with a valiant front  
As I watched you succumb inside me spiritually  

You sat next to me in quietude
Acknowledging we love semovedly
You succumbed harder in your world
And I succumbed in return silently
stars silently
     turbulent seas,
gingerly dappling
   each current,
whence the tides
   were stilled
'til they ebbed
    'tween streams
        of serene
            spring waters,
      rushing its
          banks in
             cascades of
                     awed hushes
svdgrl May 2015
we are forever rendering what it means to be alone.
to see the solid sun in the distance going down, the colors,
the way the branches of the trees creep into the horizon,
like black veins around pearly blue eyes- the sky
its something we all describe,
in solitude.
it's been done by each of us every time we look up.
it is the reminder that we ought to be fond of ourselves.
that we are all the same, an those of us
who feel the pangs of loneliness need to fill the space
with the pleasure of quietude.

— The End —