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Truth is always loud and clear and celebrates in light
Falsehood takes its shape on immorality and is in dark
Spiritual elevation always come like  an eternal flight
Falsehood is in abysmal depth truth is always on mark

God is truth and travels in the veins of all virtue in time
Satan is a dark like shadows and travels with every vice
Falsehood remains always withered never comes in prime
Even if it becomes tasty and just have all sensual spice

Let us be straight in our approach to be loud and clear
All who follow right path achieve success being virtuous
God embraces all those hearts and eyes being soothsayer
They are being rewarded with mercy just in enormous

Col Muhammad Khalid khan
Copyright 2016 golden Glow
Mohammad Skati Feb 2015
We became like any ruins or any junkyards ,                                                             We were beaten to death ,                                                                                                  We were kicked out for nothing ,                                                                                    We were trodden upon violently ,                                                                                    We were deprived of our happiness ,                                                                              We were stripped of our real names ,                                                                             We were asked to keep silent ,                                                                                          We were slapped on our faces hard ,                                                                                    We were left hungry and thirsty everywhere ,                                                                  We were gunned down like birds ,                                                                                We were assassinated like in real movies ,                                                                    We were left homeless and displaced to die ,                                                            We were thrown like trash-bags in those ugly tents ,                                                 We were denied our basic things , but                                                                         We have only God ....                                                                                                       We have only God ....                                                                                                   We don't have anyone else except God ...                                                                    There is no else except God ...                                                                                     _____________________
Mohammad Skati Feb 2015
A flowers smile can not monopolized or                                                                 Manipulated by anyone on earth                                                                           Simply it's true and genuine                                                                                   At the same time ...                                                                                                   Any smile in any face can not stolen or                                                                  Can not taken forcibly anytime ...                                                                          That pretty smile of the pretty sun                                                                         Can not be covered by the dark clouds                                                                  For longer time anytime                                                                                          Simply because it's stronger than those crossing clouds ...                                            A pretty smile must remain as is                                                                         Simply because it was born pretty ....
Mohammad Skati Jan 2015
A pike of grain is lovely when                                                                                 It's together with sisters and with brothers anytime .....                                        It looks arrogant when it's alone ,but                                                                      It's reaped by a farmer ,then                                                                                   It's humble ......                                                                                                         Life teaches us many lessons and                                                                            There are many examples around us ..........
Humility beats arrogance .
Mohammad Skati Jan 2015
عندما نكسر كلنا حواجز الخوف                                                                                            يصير الخوف لا شيء                                                                                                      بل على العكس يخاف منا ...                                                                                               اذا تكسر حاجز الخوف                                                                                                     فأنه سيصبح كقطع الزجاج                                                                                                التي لايمكن جمعها                                                                                                           بل علينا رميها                                                                                                               في سلة المهملات                                                                                                            الى الابد ...                                                                                                                  ___________________­_

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