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Àŧùl Sep 2017
I have a dream.
Yes, I too have a dream.
A dream of a happier future,
A dream of a brighter tomorrow,
A dream of a lovelier morrow,
A dream of a beautiful wife,
The dream of a better life.

And I picturize it with you,
But this dream is so volatile.
It might perish unrealized,
If I do not achieve you,
You are not just a person for me,
But you are even an aim,
And I am the soldier for it.
My HP Poem #1662
©Atul Kaushal
Druzzayne Rika Jun 2017
You make a different person out of me
A person I don't recognise as me
From all the words you see
You draw me differently
in a compartment of your mind
Some of my thoughts out there
but many still hidden
You have a different idea
of what I mean from words written
But I have no boundary
limits you built for my identity
Do you think you know me
Or you see what you want to see ?

I too see you from my own vision
Colour you with your thoughts and words
the way I see
guilty of the same you do me
make you a character
in reality you never be
I feel you angry and sad
happy and mad
with all your charms and wordplay
I picture you but not really you

We are strangers
we don't know each other
we create lines to make sense
when we cannot comprehend the true forms
in real or virtual
you are different from what you are in my mind
a  very different person from who lives inside my head

— The End —