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I write like my soul has forgotten you
I let myself believe I'm moving on
You believe I love you still baby
You are absolutely right

The walls I constructed from all the pain
Those walls you came in and tore them down
They fell so easily for you
Though I had tried for years by myself

Our souls when they met sparked a fire within
It turned my darkest days
Into a blinding light
I couldn't see what was coming
Nor did you till it was upon us

Now we sit here thinking of each other
Both dealing with it in our own way
I learned to heal by myself
While you take a road I used to take

I won't tell you to choose the right path
You wouldn't listen anyway
No matter how long it takes baby
I'll be waiting for you at the end
When you get there I'll embrace you
Letting you know you're never alone
I love you and always will
xoK Mar 2014
who needs tampons
and breath mints
and safety nets
if you're there to cradle my fall?
i'd jump out of a perfectly good airplane
from thousands of feet in the sky
without a parachute
because i know you'll be there
at the bottom
with open arms
LDR life.

— The End —