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I was in a toga,
she was doing yoga:
I don't know her.
Handed me the sushi,
instantly I grew a beard;
It was bushy.

Her eyes mad a sound like
which startled a sardine.
The sky was aquamarine.
Some nonsense.
Poetry by MAN Sep 2014
I love the Night give me the dark
Vanquish the light time to depart
Wading through a sea of black
My heart violently attacks
Brings me down to my knees
Dying in the midnight breeze
Deep I fall into the abyss
Intoxicated from a Devils kiss
Heavens gate is not a wish
Name is not on the list
Crumbling without a care
Scent of brimstone in the air
Rip me open devour my being
I exist in a Demons dream
A petal of a flower falling in time
Infinities loop set in rewind
No more play set to slay
Blood I taste every single day
Reborn a creature void of light
Forsake the Sun give me the night..
M.A.N 9-29-14 One of my darker pieces I wish to share I may write some Halloween pieces in October..
Poetry by MAN Sep 2014
Somewhere I heard the term "Body of God"
I always thought it was kind of odd
What is this "Body of God?"
Cells running around doing jobs
Perception is prone to deception..I've taken LSD
A mind can bend..see false reality
Is it far fetched that we all can be cells?
Constantly connecting creating our own hells
Hmm...I feel it in my bones
Communities thriving..Kings sitting on thrones
Are we created in the image of The Lord?
Minds refined sharp as a sword
Elevating becoming one with truth
Scars accumulated from wreckless youth
Some inside they don't display
Still they never go away
In death we rest in earth were sewn
Souls trapped in a heart of bone
Creates a garden full of Death's sod
Be the flowers that bloom from The Body of God..
M.A.N 6-27-13 I started this poem awhile back..finished it today..its one of my off the wall thoughts bouncing in me head somehow made it to paper...;)))
Poetry by MAN May 2014
I have just begun
See me rise like the Sun
All that is done becomes one
With our eyes we see
With our minds we be
Destined to become King of Poetry
Hello everybody you can call me M.A.N
So mysterious I became a pseudonym
I have no finish..I have no start
Infinite emotions stir in my heart
Lava flow seeps from my soul
Volcanic personality shake the earth when I blow
Some days I'm dark
Some days I'm Sunny
Write a Poem on paper call it money
As I appear one year into this Poetry run
I will scratch..I will claw
I will devise..I will fall
In the end rise above it all
Leave poetry skeptics dazed and stunned
Scorpio mind should be a crime
I have just begun...♏
M.A.N 5-23-14 In June 2014 it will be one year since I stumbled onto this Poetry path must've been the math now the world will feel my poetry wrath..^-*

— The End —