How DARE you do this to me? You know how hard it is for me to
Open my mind to others, to trust anyone. I trusted you.
Why don't you understand the enormity of that?
Deep inside, I know you meant no harm. Or did you?
All the paranoia is rushing back and I'm sinking deeper in my own
Righteous insanity as I spiral in panic and fury. This is the
End of everything
You don't get it! I tried to explain it but you don't see how you're
Obliterating everything I've worked so hard for! Why don't you
Understand that you're ruining my life?
Doing this, telling them, betraying my trust in this
Overzealously evil way, nothing will ever be the same.
This is only proving to me what you've been trying so
Hard to erase from my mind: that
I can't trust ANYONE, or maybe I just can't trust adults,
Since I told plenty of friends and they didn't care
Truthfully, I'm getting a bit tired of all this. What's next?
Obviously, my whole center of gravity is about to shift.
Maybe everything will be ok? No, this is the beginning of the
Difficult to organize my thoughts into acrostic form while in fight or flight