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Ashwin Kumar Feb 10
You claimed to be my best friend
I thought, beautiful was our bond
But acting were you, all the time
About me, you did not give a ****!

You claimed to be my best friend
Instead, did you play a hand
In wrecking my self-esteem
To you, was our friendship a mere game!!

You claimed to be my best friend
However, you are much worse than a fiend
For you, a relationship has to be based on money
But you do not even possess honesty!!

You claimed to be my best friend
Instead, were you my worst friend
How cleverly did you play your cards
At the cost of my happiness and inner peace
Pretending to be poor
And showing me the door
When I asked you to pay me back
In you, is there so much to dislike!!

You claimed to be my best friend
Taking advantage of my being kind
You even used my family
And I was used by your family!!

You claimed to be my best friend
It is good that our relationship has come to an end
Otherwise, my life would have been totally ruined
As it is, so much have I already suffered
Because I made the mistake of trusting you
Now, I feel I will become sick at the mere mention of you
Anyway, I am a much, much better person
And have learned a thoroughly harsh but valuable lesson
Karma will hit you hard
Truly, are you a person to completely avoid
And when life finally begins to get really difficult for you
I will be there to laugh at you
So, goodbye and get lost
In Hell, may you forever rot!!
A woman whom I considered a very very close friend for more than 10 years (and whom my family and I have supported financially and non-financially most of the time) has used me (and my family!!) for financial purposes all the time. She showed her true colours with extremely rude language when I asked her to return just a small portion of my money. A week later, when her husband asked me to help him book a ticket, I told him about her behaviour; then she blocked me on Whatsapp. 4 months on, the impact of this incident continues to adversely impact my mental health.
Ashwin Kumar Nov 2022
You may think you are special
Because you are rolling in money
And have lots of boyfriends
But the reality is as different
As chalk is from cheese
A person is special
Due to his/her character
Or what s/he does
You have a personality that is so shallow
That it would put even the Kardashians to shame
And that is saying something
You do not know the first thing about friendship
And yet consider yourself an ideal friend
To one and all
While you proceed to ghost someone
Whom you've known for years and years
All because of a silly comment
On a photo of yours on social media
Someone may be your BFF one day
And turn into a mere acquaintance the next day
For you, people are like bubblegum wrappers
To be used and thrown at a moment's notice
Of course, as we all know
There's no point in breaking your head over people
Especially in a our rather fickle-minded society
But when you act all high and mighty
As though you're always right
And everyone else is wrong
It really gets my goat
Again, you may think you are special
Based on money, good looks or the number of boyfriends you have
But all these will get you nowhere in life
Because, there will be a time
When you are in desperate need of help
And you will find
That the only people who can be of use
Are the ones whom you've already chucked
A rant against one of my former friends from Graduation.
NeroameeAlucard Apr 2015
you know what's strange?
it's like for every friend I gain
I lose two more
especially when you ready give a **** about someone it makes you kinda bitter to the core
Why is it this keeps happening? I already listlessly wander, now I have reason to wander more
Since no one seems to want me around I'll just go find life and see what it has in store

I mean I know I'm not perfect but don't just leave with no reason,
I guess they were right, for everything, and everyone there's a season

— The End —