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CJ Jul 2022
Fire up your talk boxes
Lifeโ€™s such a bore
Until we discover
Todayโ€™s Rage du Jour

Do we have to turn Red
if theyโ€™re feeling Blue?

Does screaming more loudly
make it any more true?

Is it fate we must hate if
They want to make it great?

Must our faces turn redder if
They want to build back better?

What if we hear different voices?
And what if they make different choices?

Do we choose to lash out
always feel justified
As our fears turn to rage
and weโ€™re bloated with pride?

Who among us sees clearly?
Whose judgment is never astray?

What great one among us holds just the right viewpoints
to keep cyber pitchforks at bay?

He said sinless stoneholders
could fire away
Yet thereโ€™s rocks hurling
constantly every which way

Canโ€™t we sew up our lips
and ***** up our our ears
and realize thereโ€™s much
we can learn from our peers?

Itโ€™s hard to see it through our spite
But life is rarely black or white

Whatever happened to nuance?
When did we lose the gray?
How did this digital mob get the power to police every last thing we say?

Thereโ€™s a whole vibrant world in 4K
Weโ€™re all welcome to come out and play
Letโ€™s not label them Other
When theyโ€™re truly our brother
Only Kindness can show us the way
-->In the past

Martin Luther King Jr
Antonio Gramsci
Were waging a fight
For the observance of
Their likes' right,
Also like Frederik Engels
Crossing-floor or
Transcending class
There were some
Who were struggling
On the side of
The oppressed mass.

Proletariat internationalism
Their intent
The likes of Che Guevara
** Chi Minh ,Castro
Proved freedom fighters
Beyond the perimeter
Of their continent.

A selfless sacrifice
Was what
They were expecting
As a price.

Like Mandela's stance
"Lick not your wound"
Was whatย ย was deemed

Unity, genuine democracy and
Freedom was the catch word
All in one tied
By a political cord.

-->ย ย Currently

So called politicians' intention
Is towards themselves
Drawing attention.

Fabricating a political tension
Deconstruction history
And dishing out
A scare-tactic fiction
They bring into play a given
Ethnic or religious
Group's ,once up on a time,
Suffered lance,
Their hidden selfish agenda
To advance,
Rallying the mob truth
And fiction that
Fails to balance.
Moreover for fishing
In troubled water
A hotbed they give a chance.
Optimizing own benefit
Is their price.

Triggering ethnic-conflict
Many societal-harm they inflict.

They adore blood
To flow like a flood.

Disintegration and hate speech
Is what they preach.
"Chase that religious group
And that race!"
Is what
They expectย ย credulous
Followers to embrace.

Machiavelli is their
Political bible
To translate into action
They make a dabble.
To a phony politician who said it is political science I learnt but who is evil head to toe
History has it that
โ€œUnited we stand
Divided we fall!โ€
Was the secret
That helped
The victorious
            stand tall.

Similarly A,b...Y and z
Ethnic groups all
Some major,while some
In number small
For ages were
          on the ball
Whenever there is a call
Eveready nation's
     development spur
Or aggressor to deter.

Pursuant of a trick
โ€œDivide and rule!
Fish in a troubled water
Putting siblings asunderโ€
The formula for the cruel, z
Tried to thwart A,b...Y's
social fabric
Not sparing a single brick.

An upstart  z drove a wedge
Among A,b....Y, on the sly.
But they asked โ€œDissension why?โ€
Isn't UNITY what in our
Formative years we bought!
And together they went
For z's throat
To deprive it the devilish power

it terribly sought
Now z is fighting a
             battle lost
What a lesson  it got!
Fishing in troubled water

— The End —