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Arsène Sep 2018
African American plight
Incessant fright
Dark days into night

Equality, a concept
unbeknownst to we
Or is it me
Not born locally
And speaking colloquially

Now disillusioned
For a society alienated
Is a society decapitated
And the people dilapidated  
When you turn a blind eye
And hope not to hear their cry

Malignant systems
Elected officials to fix them
When all they do is fix them
To individual greed
And the corporate elite

Disenfranchised youth
Incarcerated they lose
Communities gentrified
And families undignified
A Marginalized people
Seen as second class
But a man of colour is no different from another.
America is a county founded in racism, and it remains the root of social division today
Kathleen M Oct 2017
Manic intensity manic elation so high sunshine is melting my wings so ******* hope filled songsinging research doing life clinginging savour filled so proud and grateful I cry compulsively uncontrollably restless tight skin playing caught up the righteous anger and the swift guilt
Deep ocean crushing eternally sleeping everything is awful I'm a failure sloth in the pit depression in the earth I am the pit and the lead and my only purpose is discomfort to the flat empty that void the void in my chest that swallows it all Swallows me down so uncontrollably to the darkest places I sedate and prevent the scars but that abyss in my body threatens to become implosion.

I'm so drained, so worn through with feeling, the inbetween place eludes me continuously
I don't know what shape the middle mild propotunate feelings have.

— The End —