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Hunter Miller Jun 2018
We go through life each day

expecting something bigger,

something better,

thinking life owes us a grand reward for existence.

Truth is,

we are in debt to life,

in gratitude for the air we breathe,

but we take it all for granted.

How shallow will humankind sink

before we not only hit

rock bottom,

but burrow our way though the core?
Fox Friend May 2018
"Hold on."
"Try harder."
"Just a little longer to get through."
I understand you're trying to encourage and be kind,
but these words you're spouting at me
aren't anything new.
This "revelation" you've given me
tried to take root in my soul, as words do,
but they shriveled up dry
& the rejection left a nasty bruise.
For growth demands light & water & love,
but I've been long out of those,
so although your push to borrow tomorrow's happiness is tempting,
that's how people end up in debt, as the universe knows.
When we use things unearned
& take what's not ours with empty promises of repayment,
the heart shrivels under the weight of the endless torment
which is the Happiness Debt.
Nathaniel Apr 2018
In my simple youth I borrowed much,
My mother made me, yet I protested
I did not wish to miss a beat
I spent it all on simple dreams
No man ever wants nor needs.
I am but a Debtor.

Now I am a man of age
Locked inside a borrower’s cage,
I work to pay my own long bill
I am torpid but cannot be still
I am but a Debtor.

Look at me, a man of old
Still in debt of yet untold
The Sandman beckons me  
I will finally rest at last
I am not a Debtor.
Poetic T Mar 2018
We are all zombies
          of the institution,
when will stop following
the others that walk through
life feeding of others misfortune..

Break the shackles of life,
               don't walk, run free.
Be yourself not a clone stumbling
on roads to no where..
      Walk paths that others fear to tread.
Sara J Mar 2018
Death came tap-tapping
at my window one night
where a lone lantern was lit
above my windowsill
like a single coal burning
in the belly of night.

Death had a plain enough face
not horrid or frightfully grinning
but only tired and ordinary
as he made the weary last round
at the end of his shift.

I opened my window a crack
to see what he wanted
and he slithered inside like a cool breeze
and he sat on the foot of my bed.

“Worry not, I have not come to collect your whole life’s debt,”
said he, “I have come for only one small payment, you see.”
I did not protest, for these are loans we all must pay,
and my day to die was not that day.

Death reached his gentle hand
inside my chest cavity
and rummaged around
behind my heart
into the pit of my stomach
until he finally grasped
a feeling deep down,
a precious gem of hope
that I had kept well hidden,
and it was this that he pulled out
and he put it in his purse.
“For now this will suffice,” he said,
“I shall leave you to your bed.
Adieu until we meet again.”
and he left through the window as
as quick as he came.

I lay back in my bed both restless and weary
With a draft in my chest
where my treasure had once been.
There the dark it did occur to me
that the lantern light on my windowsill
had gone out along with my payment.
Merry Feb 2018
If I had a car
I would want a’68 Ford Country Sedan
Big, huge, beastly
A masculine power fantasy

If I had a motorcycle
My fishnet legs would look so hot
Draped either side of its seat
And a highway to myself

If I had boat
I could go out
And I could float
On the water, on the lake

If I had a car,
If I had a motorcycle,
If I had a boat,
I would have a lot and lot and lot of debt
Jessie Schwartz Feb 2018
Tug of the Rope…by Jessie 10/05

Feel the tug of the hangman’s rope
Feel me getting cold
Feel the tug of the hangman’s rope
Never got the chance to grow old

Feel me kick and twitch at the air
Feel me sway back and forth
Feel my lungs as they gasp for a breath
Feel the crowed as they stare

All of the sorrow, I brought to this world
All the things I’ve done
Today I will pay all my debts
For the pain, that I’ve caused to each one

Feel the tug of the hangman’s rope
Feel me slipping away
Feel the tug of the hangman’s rope
Nothing left to say

My lifeless body hangs from this rope
The crowd roars out with a cheer
Mothers, covering their children’s eyes
Through her trembling fingers they peer

Feel the tug of the hangman’s rope
Taught, thick and straight
Feel the tug of hell calling me
As, I pass through her fiery gates
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