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Slei Robs Oct 2018
You are my Northern star, my constant
My calm before the storm
Your voice reminds me of heaven
Where love abounds, a peaceful siren

Your smile, my love, it is satisfying
Your cute little dimple makes me weak yet gratifying
The curves of your lips are engrave in my heart
Did I see a smirk, yeah that's a work of art

Your eyes, oh boy, your eyes
The way it squints whenever you grin
The way it closes when you sing
Leaves me in awe and at the same time it sting

It hurts to know that we can't be together
Whenever I see you, I see the word "forever"
Loving you from afar, admiring your beautiful soul
And all I can do right now, is write you a poem

-S.J Robs
Paul Sands Feb 2015
each schoolboy used to know the saw
laid deep in tracts of Danish lore

Forkbeards pious son and heir
Cnut the great, konungr,

his throne set to the boiling awe
somewhere along a Hampshire shore

but was it somewhat further north
he faced down scorned Ægir’s bore

his person kissed by Trisantona
upon her banks at Gainsborough
carololololo Dec 2014
dog diskret
får jeg kigget på ham
et glimt af utilpashed
og varme
stryger igennem hans ansigt
genertheden strømmer op i mig
føles som en bølge af sommerfugle
der ikke kan vente
med at slå deres vinger ud
kigger ham igen i øjnene
og åbner dørens til hans sjæl
kan se igennem ham nu
kan se at han føler det samme
som mig
men alligevel
løber jeg væk
gemmer mig
dog diskret

— The End —