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the black rose Apr 2018
just a young chocolate girl, in a toxic world. dipped in caramel and glitter with some tight chocolate curls.
how are you young chocolate girl?
are you happy and healthy?
are you successful and wealthy?
do you smile? do you laugh?
are you stuck in the past? are you over-thinking life?
why you quit on yourself? why you quit on the world?
hoping to be free like the normal girls.. that are living faster than the moral girls,
how you 20+ with no morals girl?
how you still let them young boys get to you,
how you less paid and more ******?
never mind that,
how your body on fleek but your mind whack?
how don't you miss an event?
trying to impress those that care it hard to pretend?
you, young chocolate girl? are you lost in this world?
you should be searching your soul,
and setting your goals.
growing, knowing, minding your business.
$1,000 shoes and Gucci purses ain't at the top of your wish list.
you don't do it for the gram and you too focused on your goals to be dumb over a man.
you just do it like you planned and they do it like they can. why they just gossip like they fans?
set an example young chocolate girl, you gotta be strong for the younger chocolate girls.
you gotta teach her that its more to the world.
that love and unity means more than diamonds and pearls.
shape her and grow her, help her to get her **** right.
while you get it right so you can be bright and shine upon her, cause these little flowers need light.
  young chocolate girl.. dont wait on the world.
be happy,
you are peace and you are love.
never lose your sparkle, you are a star from above.
you are the sweetest creation, and you are blessed beyond what you see.
don't settle, dust settles. it will get better.
so seek and don't be blind and then you will find that everything is yours already if you just free your mind.

oh, and young chocolate queens.. lead your special chocolate kings.
also confused and lost in some non-chocolate sauce.
help us, all powerful source.
God. Jesus?
shepard, your sheep's are lost.
why are the things they teach us so... off.
you are with us through the suffering? tell me when will it get better? will we be stuck and comfortable one more week or will we suffer forever?
am i not supposed to question you?
then how will i know? .. &
how come the ones that do the most ugly never reap what they sow?
& why must we wait for heaven, when we're only sure about earth? i said why must we wait for freedom and happiness while we are content broken and hurt.
how can i not worry about the nation when they don't live as you say,
but things continue to go on the same everyday.
dear Jesus? please show mercy on your children.
actions speak louder, please show us that you love us.
please open our minds, & open our eyes and show us what's among us...
dear universal God,
lead your children to whats promised.
take the blindfold off our eyes, and give us hope for tomorrow.
rid us of the pain and sorrow,
make our hearts pure and make us royal.
everything we face make us question and make us wise.
be our guide. lead us,
mold us into true KINGS and QUEENS. less followers more leaders.
ranting at 4am. raw & real. honestly without having to even think about words to write, i wrote this effortlessly and its simple but its coming from such a genuine place in my heart with such genuine feelings i can't even explain.
moziq Jul 2017
Look at me.Let my skin tell you a story of pain and suffering, let my eyes give you sight and show you my history. And it's odd to me because as history goes I know of her struggle but not her name, my great grandmama's face, nor my great grandfather stern gaze. My history was ripped from me then handed back in a textbook, like a stolen jewel being given back as a gift from its captors. They try to cultivate and appropriate my culture like it's a shirt that fits them better. You asked me what I'm mixed with because you see my blackness as something to be covered. But my blackness is not ***** that needs a chaser, it is not a ***** car that needs a little whitewashing and a paint job.
You asked me what I'm mixed with so here is my response; I am mixed with melanin and love swlirled into chocolate beauty. I'm mixed with strength and pride, fierce do I roar with the voice of the wise ancestors who gave birth to hope for my grandma, my mommy, and me. I am one part black and ninety nine parts victory. I am not a tragedy of circumstance I am a product of excellence. You ask me if I am mixed because you think I'm to pretty to just be black. Here's a news flash, I am pretty because I'm black! From the kinks of my curls to the dance in my toes, I am designed from the roots of the earth. In tune with its gravitational pull.
Everyone knows the moon only shines in the blackness of night. Stop trying to force an eclipse because they don't last anyway, only burn out to be surrounded by the blackness once more. You asked me what I'm mixed with, allow me the same courtesy. Are you mixed? What are you mixed with? Fear, hate, rage, disgust, or shame? I don't assume any of these for a wise woman once said, " people are diamonds made up of different pressure some in different measures and if you don't know don't judge for it is not your contest." I am on a conquest of love and redemption. I won't blame you for your ancestors but I will hold you to a certain standard.
So before you ask me what I am mixed with, think. Does it even matter?pretty is pretty so don't you dare come at a Nubian goddess cross eyed or tongue-tied, prepared to gain insight of her bloodline. She will shatter all illusion, destroy all thoughts of doubt. She will tell you she is black. She will say it in a song song voice because of the melody ringing in her soul when she makes this known. It will roll off her tongue like honey. For no other words ever tasted so sweet. She is a black queen. Mixed with blood and bones.
KayLenn Jul 2017
We Just Wanna Live, I Just Wanna Live
Discussions about justice, but ya'll out here killing kids
Trump ain't no puppet, He gon tell it how its is
Building million dollar bombs but ain't no food in our fridge
To me aint' no black and white just a killer and a victim
Home of the equal but you already stole that

We all equal but i guess you didn't mention you get to **** my people
Dressed in all blue, Badges
But they just point and shoot like they ain't practice enough
To protect and serve, ha
More like to discriminate and burn
burn a race to the ground

Everyone scared of death
That's what white people pray for at night, hoping for another day to live, hoping to get that pumpkin spice latte in the morning
Never having to pray not only for your life but your son's too.
Sun Ray Savoring,
That chicken flavoring is what makes us
Everyone wants to be black
Until its actually time to be us
Corona Harris Mar 2016
You infatuate me with your views
Your body sings Trap Queen but your heart's in love with the Blues
That's cool.
I got an indigo soul too
Lets connect like constellations
As I'm constantly relating you to Roman Goddesses and Egyptian Queens
You're more beautiful than Aphrodite and Cleopatra
You mentally surpass all your peers But obtuse thinkers still come at yuh
Forgive them. They know not who they size
They see your full lips and your thick thighs
Worshiping physical features so your face is often forgotten
They don't notice you got three eyes
Your Melanin Was Way Too Poppin
Dedication to my Melanin Queens

— The End —