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Adrian Mar 2021
A hug is something you would call simple.

Hug a shy person, and you’ll get a giggle.

Wearing a smile from dimple to dimple.

Good vibes, as always, are starting to ripple.
Adrian Dec 2019
Ive been having trouble sleeping.
I can't turn off my mind
I just keep on thinking
Shifting from side to side
Until I start feeling like I'm sinking
Losing track of time
But never really sleeping
Then my teeth begin to grind
'Cause my anxiety slowly creeping
So I start scrolling down my timeline
To keep myself from exploding
And maybe my head will unwind
So I can get some sleep before morning
Or I get tired of being online
And my fingers start hurting
Still working on it. Let me know what you think.
Adrian Nov 2019
I live my life in delusions
I don't know what's real
I am coming up with different conclusions
It's painful when distortions reveal
I see no point other than confusion
Unless the voices want me to follow the trail
Adding nothing but negative contributions
They got me chasing my tail
I need to get a hold of my emotions
And maybe, on peaceful winds I'll sail
But my thoughts suffer from a terrible exclusion.
Stimulation from the outside is breaking through my shell.
Adrian Aug 2019
Lonely I's and lonely U's
With experiences of yea me too's.
Become sleepless 1's and sleepless 2's.
When picked up on dropping Q's
With self-deception we do dare choose.
To say outloud " yea we 2's."
Forever one we hope is true.
Always divided me and you .
You would you rather be blind and in love or sightful and lonely?
Adrian Aug 2019
I long for sleep
To hide away from my sobs and weeps.
Enveloped in darkness safe keep.
Until my emotions are buried deep.
For when pain my sadness reaps.
Sleepless I, a hopeless sheep.
Adrian Jul 2016
Never knowing
Did I make the right choice
Wind ever blowing
Birds singing in a familiar voice
Too many choices
Which path should I follow
The voices, too many voices
They're leaving me hollow
Did I speak the right words
Move in just the right way
I'm just trying to save the world
Don't mind me
I am crazy by the way
Did I make the right choice
Adrian Jul 2016
My name? I don't have one. I'm an inaudible whisper you're not even sure you heard. As I lay on my bed, sleepless, contemplating the questionable reality of an event that transcends your conceptual understanding. It's there, in the darkness, where you attempt to illuminate my being only to see a reflection of your own egocentric perception. If Altruism was present, surely, nevermore.
Adrian Aug 2019
In my hand I hold an apple.
What a sweet delight.
In my hand I hold an apple.
I take a big bite.
In my hand I hold an apple.
I keep eating more and more.
In my hand I hold the core of an apple
It's not the same as before.

— The End —