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Even as the sun rises,
My days remain dark,
Tears fill my heart,
Like a cold rain.

I miss you the most during these days,
Miss listening to your words,
Whispering our dreams,
My love; the hero who saved my life,

Remember, I love you,
I love you;
The only Soul that I will ever hold,
I'm so lucky to know you.

Until that day we meet again in paradise, where your Soul lives,
I will keep my promise always and forever,
To love and honor you; My Queen,
By offering gifts of love, hope and kindness to others.

Copyright © 2017 Ronald J Chapman All Rights Reserved.
The Great Queen Seondeok, 62회, EP62, #07
loveinquandary Jul 2017
"Better to be safe than sorry", they said.
So i took the safe path.
Full of roses and all beautiful flowers.
I made sure I took the right steps towards you.
We had it.
We almost bloomed.
Did i make a mistake?
Was there not enough water and sunlight to nurture and make us grow to be even more fond of each other?
Did i forget that flowers will eventually wilt?
I used to be so risky with love.
So for once, I choose to take the safe route.
But it brought me so much sadness.
So much pain.
And still i failed.
Still, i end up hurt.
Still, i falter.
Still, just like water.
I thought things would be different. I thought wrong. I was just treading water.
loveinquandary Jul 2017
Through this heartbreak,
I finally understood what he is going through
He lost someone who was his world
He loved her
but he lost her unintentionally
He didn't think this would happen
He would do anything to get her back
but life is unfair
He felt stuck
He's just treading water
He couldn't do anything
He just wanted her
but she didn't
She didn't love him like he did
He loved her till this day
even though it was never meant to be
If this is hurting me, it must be killing him
I'm sorry he had to go through this
I want to take his pain away
I want to love him the way he loved her
I just want him to be happy
loveinquandary Jul 2017
They say we all have that spark in us that'll light the way when we're in darkness
I think my spark burned brighter than the sun till it burned down all the bridges i was on
I lost my lover
I gave him all my love
i guess he was too used to the darkness
He didn't want to be found
The love i gave him lit up the bridge
I'm drowning in the ocean beneath us
and there is no way light could lead me out of the dark
I'm left for dead
I lost my lover, and i lost myself
- God please bring him back to me
loveinquandary Jul 2017
i love poetry
it made me realise who i was
i understood myself better
and i felt understood
though we are all swimming in different tides and waves
we're all from the same ocean
but together as a whole
-poetry saved us
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