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 May 2020 anna
 May 2020 anna
you weren't there for me then

and i got by

so what makes you think

i need you now
 May 2020 anna
 May 2020 anna
How much longing must be in my heart
To sleep with a blanket in my arms
To cheaply mimic
The warmth I don’t feel
I never used to do that...
 May 2020 anna
tw self harm

Perhaps I’m starting to understand
Tonight, I want desperately
To take the blade to my skin
But only to leave a mark
A reminder
Of what’s happened today
This is a motivation I think I can talk myself down from...
In 12 days, it’ll be two months since my last cutting... I really really don’t want to give up on that progress. Not yet.
 May 2020 anna
I’m not going to survive alone
I can go through the motions
I can push through the days
But in the quiet privacy of solitude
I’m faced with everything I hate
Staring back through the mirror
Looking into my cold, steel eyes
Everything I hate
Everything that makes me want to implode
I want to disappear
 May 2020 anna
 May 2020 anna
I think I’d very much like
To twist myself into a ball
To fold in on myself
And vanish from existence
 May 2020 anna
Anthony Cornejo
 May 2020 anna
Anthony Cornejo
Life burns
We die
Our wick may be castrated
Or stretched to an ungodly length
Life burns

I want to die
I'm afraid to experience
'No life'
Many are waiting
I have many to greet
Life goes on
Death goes on
Purgatory is greener than both
The taste of stale fire
The last taste being rust
Regrets look on me as I spiral
 May 2020 anna
Mrs Timetable
 May 2020 anna
Mrs Timetable
Why plant
A fragile heart
In the wrong place
Setting it up
To suffocate
Like a tulip
In a xeriscape
BLT word of the day “xeriscape”
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