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 Aug 2015 Joanna
 Aug 2015 Joanna
I cry because I'm selfish,
because I don't want to lose you.
Can't even fathom a reality where you're nonexistent, leave my heart vacant.
The love that is embedded in the fabric of your being, is pure light.
The things you touch turn to flowers,
The warmth in your heart is what fuels our home,
Your happiness is the most important thing on this world,
Your words treasurerd wisdom worth more than all the gold.

You can't leave us anytime soon, because I'm selfish, I'm selfish and I want my future children to know a love as GRAND as yours.

My mother, my greatest inspiration, the greatest hero I've ever known...

Stay a while, for I need you.
I just want to make you proud, my beautiful woman.
 Aug 2015 Joanna
he stared hard at the sky
and saw the whitest of stars...
a simple glimpse inside his mind
was all I needed to fall in love.
for the stars weren't stars at all,
just white bubbles in a sea of hope
stretching out to the sheer depths of imagination.
he boasted of the morning birds and
their sweet, sweet songs...
a creature I had come to hate,
he made me long to hear.
we've heard all our lives
how attraction is necessary in love
but I told him I loved him
before I ever saw his face.
and I do, oh, how I do.
those bright blue eyes bring feeling
back into my empty, empty soul.
he makes me unafraid
to love again, and to grow
to be the fullest essence of myself
without pause or second thought.
all these years...
I've been scared to be truly vulnerable
I have called myself nothing
not good enough
you know what he calls me?
 Aug 2015 Joanna
 Aug 2015 Joanna
And Beloved?
              You will never die
  Because I will preserve you perfectly
                     In my ink.
Keep holding on and we'll make it through.
 Aug 2015 Joanna
We picked the seashells on the shore,
You hear them whisper in your ears,
I always love to hear you share what they speak,
Their words with different voices,
I always thought you just pretend,
So I pretended to understand,
Now you are far
Beyond the horizon that we see
Whenever we watch the sun wake and sleep,
I picked a seashell on the shore
And hear it whisper in my ear,
I hear your voice saying I love you.
 Aug 2015 Joanna
 Aug 2015 Joanna
Will baring my emotions though my poetry ever be enough?
Is it ever enough to wear my heart on my sleeve?
Are my emotions ever enough for anyone?
 Aug 2015 Joanna

You are the sum of my heart,
*I need add nothing more
 Aug 2015 Joanna
cosmo naught
Your eyes
are iron cores
of dying stars.

I collapse
under their gravity.

You consume me,
and spit me out
in millionths.
 Aug 2015 Joanna
Liz And Lilacs
It is my theory
that we are all connected.
From the thread around your finger
to the ribbon on her wrist
and the rope tightened on my neck.
Every action has a consequence,
because when you pull on the string;
*something unravels.
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