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Suzanne Penn Jul 2014
I touch your skin
on this hot
summer night
just a finger
the lines
my tounge just tasted
misty memory
of a lust
gone wild
and a passion
now sated
my breath
as the tension eases
the world
stops spinning
I love
our summer evenings
and intense
Suzanne Penn Jul 2014
Trade me...
Let me see
how ...'simple "
it is...
  to persevere...
when you are
the scapegoat...
work mule...
what you haven't done done
becomes noticed'

Trade me...
navigate the world
from a distinctly
the receiving end...
of the invisible 85%
who rarely
get a second glance...
Let alone
a golden chance.

Go ahead...
walk the tightrope...
with two left shoes...
stretch your tolerances...
but you're working without a net
and no
there are "volunteers"
falling all over themselves
just to
  be the one ...

Don't bother
with your opinion
it is now

As too...
are you.

I think
you'll find...
no seats saved;
no "extra" tickets;
your sentences will start
trailing off...
as you realize that
no one is listening.

I liken it
to the sounds of your car...
each sound
comforting and familiar...
you know exactly
how hard
you can push it....

...The same curves,
always handle differently,
in an unfamiliar
downgraded vehicle.

So to,
go our lives....
becoming callused
and indifferent
to the cars of others...
unless of coarse...
beep, BEEP.....VAROOM!!!!!

Perhaps instead...
admiring ...

There is
tremendous beauty
in watching a pro
surf the serendipitous waves...
all the while...
being charming, witty,
but most of all
A gleeful grace


one day....
my demolition derby
of a life...
will allow
the crossing of our paths.
And if
you still maintain
that smug
judgmental disdain
you seem
to be so proud of...
I will drop this *****
into 5th gear...
and you my pretty...
can **** my tailpipe!
There will be some who will no appreciate this piece...
Honestly, I didn't write it for them...
I wrote it for all of those
who have struggled
through all the Judgmental Disdain
of the other 15%
who feel as though
anyone could
because they did
Suzanne Penn Jun 2014
a new future
races past my attention.
As thin as,
a liberals funding
chased by an old
and toothless past.

Slipping changes by...
in bite sized pieces
now so regularly
that some pass ...
barely tasted....
almost inhaled.

Tides of modern history
are beating
on ugly
worn out barriers
affecting all,
both near and far
As bright and untouchable
as the new moon.

The looming certainty of...
what now seems
not quite accepting
it's progression
and now is both...
dragging it's feet...
and  clumsily
rushing over
what's left of
ancient weights...
that lay so heavy...
so long....'

Equality and Justice
are hummed to
and called forth...
to not simply usher in
a few changes...
but navigate the floodgates
of what our world
now dare to dream of...
The last of the Boomer's
are having their say
and the idealistic. psychedelic,
poets and builders
dream through a "stoney" mist
and contemplate
next season's crops
and the affect they may have
on moral turpitude.
Suzanne Penn Jun 2014
Take care
of your own NEEDS...
leave the WANTS
to those ...who are trying
to lay some kind of claim....
that way,
even if it doesn't work out...
you're OK.

Trust only
in yourself,
any one else
theirs in DEGREES,

that you are fabulous,
larger than life!..
those around you
will too

And honey,
just know...
that you scare
the hell out of ANYONE...
who is in any way
not comfortable
in their own skin.

Be your awesome self
and take care of
you and yours.
Don't filter your opinions
Don't edit
your reactions
you just keep being YOU..

The more confident
and secure
your are with yourself...
the more secure and confident
the people that are attracted
to you will be....

When it comes to love...
close your eyes,
and find someone
to love your soul...
Someone who...
looks at you
with love in their eyes.
Someone who...
makes you feel good
about yourself

Look for those who
SHOW you,
instead of...
TELL you....
about who and what
they are ...

You have a friends
watching and caring
that you have never even noticed
or thought about...
look to the ones
who don't
rush to ....
jump in to the drama,
that have been
in the background,,,
supporting, laughing
always there loyal to those
who are loyal to you

Do the next right thing
no matter if
no one is looking.

When giving advice...
always quote
an insightful poet
or a simple child

Look past reasons
through excuses
beyond emotions
to motives....
and rewards...
to be found
on both sides.

If you can do...
half of these
your Life...
will just be better...
and you shall have
accomplished more
than most
shall ever hope to.
This whole piece was actually written to a friend as a comment on her down-trodden facebook status... turns out to be not too bad in this form too!
  Jun 2014 Suzanne Penn
CA Guilfoyle
Breath of life, it is a wild ocean
always a tide coming and going
in this place, it does not linger long
never holding on, only drifts quietly into night
into stars, into fleeting sparks of fire flies
or in the night waters, a ghostly glow
of phosphorescence, a transient trail
of luminescence that soon
fades and reappears to light
the deepest depths
of sea
to all who stop by here to read this poem, I thank you
to all poets, here and everywhere, I thank you
Suzanne Penn Jun 2014
There exists
such a distorted need
to be inflexible and stagnant
Not allowing change...
Coming close to becoming
a "caricature of our former glorious selves"

How sad...
that it happens…
but even worse …
that it still does not
ignite change.

It must be agonizing
To be driven by the fear
of appearing weak
or too radical
or loosing  perceived powers
or social placements.

Suffering through spiritual implosion
dreading condescension
or rejection.
By peers
let alone
From a creator
That they barely believe in…

I wish there was
something I could do
to help.
Suzanne Penn Jun 2014
I strive to be…
a transcendent being…
armed with fearless questioning
powered by
Love and light.

A transcendent being not lead by ploys
to keep the world separated.

..does not judge others
In order to feel better
about themselves.

A transcendent being
is comfortable in their own skin...
therefore …
ego and envy
are taken out of the mix...
A transcendent being
sees through fearless eyes
the beauty of the rest of the world,

A transcendent being
carries with them
their own personal joy…
excited  by possibilities and purpose
their world becomes full of adventure.

Problems do not disappear…
They simply become a challenge
Fueled by what could be
inspired by justice
distributed with integrity.

Without fears…
transcendent beings see
what is truly needed…
… a system designed with
the realities of the present
and accommodations
that are handed out justly…
distributed with intregrity.

Ushering out "should's"
And “should not’s”
Replaced with more…
fearless compassion...
and why not's.

Imagine then...
what you would change...
and  join me in striving
To be a Transcedent Being.
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