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 Apr 2014 Lost
Sound Of Rain
Everything is jumbled in my head,
Nothing makes sense at all.
It's like I'm awake but I'm still dreaming.
I'm in the middle of a crowd,
But I'm still all alone.

They ask me what's wrong, all I can say is, "Honestly,
I can't express myself right now, forgive me."
I don't even know what's going on,
I used to think that life was easy, that you just live till it's time to leave,
But boy, I never realized how hard it is to do just that.
Live, till it's time to leave.
I don't know. Writer's block. And nothing makes sense. Oh well.
 Mar 2014 Lost
 Mar 2014 Lost
3rd of July 2010
how I would love to live that day again.

you were there but so was he.
you were special but so was he.

"lets take a cab", he said.
"No, we'd rather walk instead."
they went and we walked
down the staircase of the mall,
your hands perfectly planted on my hips,
like they were always meant to be.

my heart skipped a beat with every step we took,
the whole thing felt like a Nicholas Sparks book.

then you said those three words,
i had been waiting for.
and you became a part of me.
and me a part of you.

now almost fours years later,
the thing between us has just grown greater.
and with every kiss and every hug,
you still make me fall more in *love.
This one's for you Mij <3
though I have no idea how to put in words how i'm feeling.
 Mar 2014 Lost
 Mar 2014 Lost
Sweet, Lovely Sin
You feel so good
Too satisfying

Oh, what do i do?
Let go?
Of the only thing i know?

You're too tempting
Too real
Too much of me

You're too much of my character
You're the fabric of myself
All that I have ever attempted

You're my life
You're safe
You're home

So should i just leave?
Commit to light?
Over the comforting darkness?

It's too much to handle
So I'll stay
I'll change another day
 Mar 2014 Lost
You know, I almost called the other night.
I’d like to think that
you would’ve almost picked up,
and I would’ve almost said something.
It’s a good thing I’ve almost lost your number;
I could get lonely someday
and forget that you almost wanted to stay.
I forget a lot nowadays.
I almost called the other night, you know.
But I’ve learned that “almost”
only counts in “I love you’s”
and “goodbye’s”.
Maybe I’ll almost sleep tonight.
It’s strange that I keep dreaming
about the night we walked around the city.
I always end up on the park bench
by your house,
I’ve almost stopped wishing you’d show up.
 Mar 2014 Lost
Pushing Daisies
In my diluted youth,
I used to believe,
our world was perfect.

Spending so many nights,
dreaming with my eyes open,
imagining the impossible,
and creating a parallel universe,
in which I was his to hold..

But like everything else,
my thoughts were
ultimately flawed.

My heart had written its own story,
*a fiction.
 Mar 2014 Lost
Micahel De Tomasso
"At 10 years old the emotion of like became love.
For the first time i felt an adult in me, but not looking at
my baseball glove.
I shook my head, and looked at her again,.
She smiled, as i greened." ....
My 1st encounter of the opposite ***, and starting to understand new feelings that were beginning to emerge at our young age!!
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