I ENVY the seas that he rides,
I envy the thrills,
Of his royal chariot of May;
Gracing these glistening hills.
Gaze upon our journey, Love!
Where the stars may gleam
On our forbidden melody,
Bless this Love, unto me!
I envy nests of Doves,
That flutter on August Eves,
That bless forbidden Love,
With newfound Autumn Leaves.
Ajar is the window,
On the summer’s Eve for me,
The jewels and diadems of Wealth,
Could never be.
I envy our everlasting light,
And bells that gently ring
Over that fateful evening,
That - envy shall bring.
Yet interrupt Spring’s blossom,
Even when our hearts may bleed;
Run into this everlasting night,
Under the stars with me.