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 Jul 2014 Sumedha Sharma
 Jul 2014 Sumedha Sharma
growing up my parents warned me about drugs.
My health teachers warned me about how
they could be

But what everyone failed to mention that some
Might come
With dark brown hair and hazel eyes
And be even more addictive than
Too many
pills can
slow the

Too much
of a
good thing,
tears that
thing all
Never ever
Make her cry

Never ever
Ask her why

Never ever
Just fade away

Never ever
Try to stray

Never ever
Fail to miss

Never ever
Forget to kiss

Never ever
Hit her face

Never ever
A drunkard disgrace

Never ever
Stop loving her

Never ever
Stop being together

Never ever
Tell her lies

Never ever
Blind her eyes

Never ever
Do these things

For ever
Misery it brings
copyright Chris Smith 2010
I am inside my world
a world like no other
full of crazy designs,
little dots, and lots of color
a place where its safe...
Your sounds hurt my ears
and all that stuff  you call love
only adds to my fears
I don't like to look at you
I see better off to the side
but you keep after me
because you want me to try
sometimes I DO see you
and its a really weird feeling
I'm not sure what its called
so it hurts, and I look back to the ceiling
The ceiling has all these bumps
and it looks fun to me
but I did remember you
your hand out, reaching
and I know I smile to see you
because I see you in my world there
you come inside and understand
you come and want to share
It's easier that way, you come to me
and because you see what I do
sometimes then
I want to go with you
to your world, yes
I wonder what YOU see
so you gently guide me there
oh but its so scary
You taught me touch doesnt always hurt
you holld my hand and its okay
so then I watch all you do
and I do it too..uh oh, I'm going away...
The colors and patterns, there you see?
have pulled my attention
I've lost momentarily
your dedicated direction
I hear you ask me something
but its all a jumble
I see all the colors moviing
and the designs together tumble
Its so neat you know
I remember you though
so I look sideways at you
and wow! your seeing it too
so we share for awhile
in MY place
you never give up, I am curious
so I follow your face back into your world
just for a minute
For no reason he starts screaming
Then begins to hit you
Shouting for no given purpose
He will begin to bite himself

It is then as nothing happened
He plays with an electronic game
Something then will disrupt him
So begins punching himself in the head

He will not wait his turn
Even when others are already speaking
So starts to bite himself once more
Shouting out threatening behaviour

You can never try to tell him off
It will only make him worse
He believes he is only allowed to shout
He will never understand what you say

The throwing of things will then commence
Showing you outrage and anger
Comes up and shouts in your face
Followed by slapping and hitting you

Then it will all suddenly stop
Begins talking nicely to you
Talking non-stop about his cars
He will then put them all in a line

Come and ask for a cuddle
Not even remember what just happened
For an hour or two he talks politely
You dare not try to change the subject

Never try to break his routine
For he will start swearing at you
Everything will start all over again
Because he will never understand change

He even hates his baby sister
Because he needs all the attention
He has no understanding of sharing
Or how to ever show fair play

He is locked away in his own world
Expects everyone to know what he is thinking
He can not even dress himself
But he has a perfect photographic memory

Others will never come to realise
They will only think the worst of him
They call him names behind his back
All because he is a little different

Autistic children may be a challenge
But remember, they are still children
All they need is understanding
So, will you love him?

copyright Chris Smith 2012
For children with Autism/Asperger's Syndrome
If only we could understand autism a bit more
 Jul 2014 Sumedha Sharma
It hurts to know
i'll always glow
in ways, i'm special
a slightly cracked shell
is how i feel
makes me wanna kneel
to those around me
like them i wanna be
aware of who i am
alternate choices spammed
i see myself trying
your eyes cause me crying
no sensuality
confused sexuality
we all exist inside
filters of illusion reside
Pieces you shatter
to me that matter
your response after
creeped out flatter
too far i go
more than i know
no more time to waste
stay put in your place
no. i am not autistic
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