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he's a dreamer
she's both but definitely more
of a wake walker

certainly a dreamer cause
he flies in his dreams
high above the
cities sky line and ozone

she's got to be wake now
it's day time it's the rising
of her eyes to reflect her
consistent self revolution

it's taken some planning but
she wants to show she isn't useless
that this has all been worth it

yet she might just settle
for becoming a practical artist
in the way she piece
together her own constitution

it's the illusion everyday
that she's falling in love
and has something
she calls her nothing
 Aug 2016 stone the bear
and maybe guardian angels are real. maybe they're just hidden within ordinary people. people you call your brother, your sister, your best friends, and maybe even your partners. maybe they haven't even been discovered yet. maybe the magic they have, is the joy they bring. the way they can get you to smile in the easiest of ways, the way they sense your pain, the way they're there for you regardless of the distance you may feel between you, and them. they protect you as much as they can from the world, they keep you close, they keep you safe— at least they try to, and you know they do. they're sincere, and genuine, and they don't give you lies, you know they don't. and as modest as they may be, they know they're worth something. to themselves, to you, and to the world. though the world may have even been ******* them for it, they've been strong for you, even while giving you their strength, and being your rock.

they are not perfect. as angelic as they may be, may seem. everyone has darkness cast upon them, even the one you'd never believe. illnesses, both mental and physical, have taken a toll on this world and they can get the best of us. that's why we have those special people. that's why they have us, for guardian angels don't work alone. i don't believe that. no, because each and every one of us is a guardian angel, for others, and not just one. we all brighten people's day, we all help other's in some way, even if we aren't aware of it.

we are all made of that magic, and carry that extraordinary power.

and we all work together.

we take care of each other, for we are all of the same blood.

guardian angels we are.
 Aug 2016 stone the bear
and he's got the darkest pair of eyes i've ever known, but they speak to me in ways no one else ever had. they're full of mystery and mischief. passion and a sense of sincerity. when i stare into those eyes, i don't have to worry anymore, because those eyes are with me forever. i know i won't be so lonely. they look at me all the time. they admire my essence, my body, my mind. they admire the way i tend to get lost in time, but they don't judge me; they never have. yet the best part about them; i trust those eyes with everything; with my life, my heart, my soul, my being. i've never known how to fully trust another. i've always been naive, yes. i've always been too open, yes, but these pair of eyes, know more about me than i've ever cared to share before. i love those eyes.
 Jul 2016 stone the bear
JR Rhine
I want the poetry to mean something tonight,
              as I pace in my bedroom for hours
                                      under jaundiced fluorescent light.

                     I want to write something profound and true,
something of solvence to rid the demons to which I'm glued.
Cotton clouds,
Chariots of the moon.

Carry with them my love.
From me
*to you.

( she was 18

sober ----- so it was legal )


Nibble nibble
On the ear

Hands together

Then breast high

I saw the terror in her eyes

I knew to slow down for a while



I love you

So tenderly

You are my forever

She looked confused

She knew I was just bullshitting

But my hand was alredy
Far from dry!


She was going to say
NO !

I filled her mouth up with tongue

Soon her legs did seperate

She never said stop so

It wasn't ****


Really this isn't a true story

Just a parody


All the poems here

Although I have made

The violence more obvious

To stimulate

Your pornographic pleasure
which you seem to enjoy

But your poems are actually far more violent

And that the ****** is being done by

Both partners mutually to each other
doesn't make it less so

& that the **** is more

Emotional and spiritual

Rather than physical

Actually makes it more violent

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