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Steven Covert Sep 2014
****. ****. ****. ****. ****. ****. ****. ****. ****. ****. ****. ****. ****. ****
I want you to **** me.
Steven Covert Sep 2014
I'm trying to fill the void.
That's all I'm doing.
All these boys I keep *******
I'm just filling myself with fake feelings
Trying to keep you off my mind.
It doesn't work.
Even when I'm ******* them I'm thinking of you.
Get out of my head
Or get into my bed.
Steven Covert Sep 2014
Falling in love is stupid.
No, like, on the realist **** it is.
First reason why it's stupid:
You can't decide who you fall in love with.
Like what the **** is that about?!
All of your being just tells you,
Hey you see that person over there?
Well you are going to value them so much,
They are going to make you happy and sad all at the same time
And you won't be able to properly communicate to them how you feel.
And then you'll be friendzoned and it will be the most painful thing that you have ever experienced and you don't know if you'll ever actually get over it.
Doesn't that sound great?

**NO IT ******* DOESN'T
Steven Covert Sep 2014
I want to know what you taste like.
I bet it's like cigarettes and alcohol,
My favorite taste.
Steven Covert Sep 2014
It's amazing how you can go from being completely smitten by someone and then the next moment feel absolutely nothing for them.
All it takes is that one thought,
I know absolutely nothing about this person
And then the love flies out through your newly opened mind and you are free to think for yourself again.

I'm done doing things for you and I'm going to start doing them for me.
Steven Covert Sep 2014
I want you.
You don't want me.
Let's get together and sit in a room and I'll be really awkward around you all the time because whenever I look at you I notice some new beautiful feature.
Some laugh line or that the curvature of your right ear is at a higher degree than the curvature of your left ear.
Or that when you smile I can't help but smile because, well look at you.
And I feel that you just look right through me.
I may be many things,
Crazy, for falling for you.
Stupid, for the same reason.
But the one thing I'm not is invisible.
I'm worth looking at.
Even if it's just for a second.
Steven Covert Aug 2014
Now I'm high and high poetry works really well, as per experience so here we go.

Music always helps me when I write
I just let it take me somewhere.
I'm here now.

I don't know where exactly "here" is, but I like it here.
Nothing matters in the land where the music comes from.
Everyone is free the experience whatever they want to without fear of being judged by anyone because all anybody cares about is how the music makes them feel and the journey that they are on.

And then sometimes you meet that one person that shares a moment with you on your journey.
Someone that has the same experience as you when you hear that cry of the creature of the land that music comes from.
And they are the most beautiful person in the world to you at that moment.
You would do anything for them
In that moment.

And then as soon as the creature of the land where music comes from opens it's mouth to sing that beautiful song that brought you two together he closes it and they disappear.

Because nobody ever feels the same way about a song twice.
There is always something different the next time.

You're never different.
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