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Truth and lies
Destin to collide

Trust it died
It couldn't survive
Where do I go...
when I feel so alone.
Where do I run...
when grief's tears overcome.
Where do I turn...
when it looks like the end.
Cling to Him.
Cling to Him.
And let Him love me.
Until I am undone.
---No one can ever love me the way Jesus does.  His love is incomprehensible, eternal, passionate, jealous, and unfailing. I am so thankful that He relentlessly pursues me, until I finally surrender and let Him love me.
I am knees deep in a quick sand
designed for people like me
by a system that thrives
on a climate of fear
Obtaining knowledge while selling my soul
Profit driven suits,  
splurging words about our rights
and our duties
Camouflaging their own self-interest
Playing monopoly on knowledge
Convincing us,
that chasing that silly piece of paper
is the only option
Concealing the true cost that
comes with knowledge
One most of us will never be able to afford
An ocean of debt,
one I will surely pay until I'm dead
Behold the loophole though,
silver spooned fed mouths
need not sink nor swim
That hollowed shaped silver
holding them high above ground
While the rest of us sink
limb by limb
into a quicksand that was designed for people like us
 May 2016 Stefan Michener

Without you life has no meaning
A lonely book upon a shelf
Stories held for no one reading
Waiting silent by myself

Pages turned with nothing written
Chapters come without a clue
Words repeat in shades of darkness
Sentences of lonely due

Without you there’s no direction
Empty highways ramble on
Stark and barren roads dividing
Moving constant on my own

Painted lines without an ending
Solitude at every cost
Seeking all but finding nothing
Always on the edge of lost

Without you there is no music
Lyrics sung that do not rhyme
A violin whose strings are missing
Loneliness three quarter time

Melodies in empty function
Concert halls without a stage
Choruses now gone forever
Notes erased upon the page

Without you there is no reason
Nothing but an empty heart
Never beating, always waiting
Longing for a brand new start

Opened wide as you I beckon
Fill my world with wondrous view
It’s true, my life would have no meaning
If my life was without you
Sadly I have found it is true.
 May 2016 Stefan Michener
There are clouds covering my soul
and I know the rain they're crying
is hurting your heart too.
I'd make it nice and shiny
just so you can feel the warmth,
but I don't know how to do it anymore.
Clouds of silence darkening me whole
unspoken words I have for you
are dying under the tempest
while the blank page stares at me
and I feel useless.

A rain of fire
burning us both.

The sun always shines after a storm
and I hope
a rainbow will appear
before these falling flames
will turn us to ashes
flying over the ocean between.
 May 2016 Stefan Michener
I'll take your hand as I've had in many dreams
and together we'll fly in the night's sky
our love braided with the numberless stars
will make angels cry.

We'll find our place next to the moon
caressed by the light of the stars
I'll lay my head on your chest
and in the sweetest dream forever we'll be
tasting the joy of living
our bodies will float above the mortality
untouched by death's sour kiss.

I'll take your hand and fly with you to the stars
and there our souls will discover immortality.

*À gauche de la lune et parmi les étoiles
nous trouverons l'amour éternel.

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