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Pour into me O Lord the kind of Love that stops wars.
And Pour into me the kind of Love that shall change history.
Change my Heart and Pour this Super-Extra amount of Love.
So that I may be able to move your mountains with your Love.
So Do what ever it shall take it is not about any one else but me.
For I need to allow you to change my heart and my life as well.
By doing this the lost shall see You reigning within me right here.
But if I refuse then I have to face all of my decisions that I make.
Before You the day that We go before the Judgement throne in heaven.
 Nov 2018 Stan Gichuki
 Nov 2018 Stan Gichuki
Men love
is a like a maze
he allow woman to enter
only to get lost in the middle
So, more woman can get in
and lost in the midway
Very few woman wanted thread
from the other side of his maze
before entering..
When it comes to you
I am at a loss for words
so my heart beats in symphonies
my mind will never compose
Everyday I reserve a moment
to picture you
to imagine us
to feel your heart
which I know well is
still embedded into my own
I'm aware these few moments of my day can lead to nothing
but troubles, & heartache
because when I open my eyes
you're there
god knows where
& I'm here, nowhere
When I stop to think about why I still take my time to think about you
I can only come up with the reasoning that I still love you
I always will love you
even now, six months later
after the damage is done
after the tears have fallen for so long
I'm worried they may have seeped their way into my heart
Even with the knowledge
of the gut wrenching
heart altering pain
our love brought into my
all dancing and daisy life
even past the break,
the moment I knew the love of my life was never
coming home
I would do it all again
over & over & over
just for a taste of that sensation
of us
lying barely clothed wrapped in your embrace
for just a glimpse of
your abysmal brown eyes
for a minuscule moment
of our epic love story
I just thought you should know
there's never regrets in this hallow hallway of my heart
only stubborn love
that grasps at a chance
for one more try
Some people are so poor that the only thing they possess is money.
 Aug 2018 Stan Gichuki
Depression shall not get the best of you
Between all of the colors, you chose blue
Tell me what makes you happy if I couldn’t do
All of the books and paper, i wish I could listen to you
You are cutting your wings and I am gluing  them on
With me or with out me, you are going to be strong
If my poems and I didn’t stand tall
We’ll fall with you but, surely later we will catch on
We will crush all of your sad feelings,
We will crush them all
Only sunshine baby, even if your sky was blue
And I am here for you!
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