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 Jan 2015 stacy kate
 Jan 2015 stacy kate
On some days, I write bolder, thicker & harder, just to prove not everything is empty and blank.

And that my words are just as heavy and all raw edges like *yours.
I tried very hard not to breath in the permanent marker fumes whilst I penned that nonsensicaly writing into my book.
How have you been doing?
I've been reading Noah Barlerywater Runs Away by John Boyne.
It's quite brilliant.
ft. Leona Lewis's Spirit album
 Jan 2015 stacy kate
 Jan 2015 stacy kate
Your sweetness is the kind that stays even after coffee has gone cold,
like still bedsheets that have not been knotted by sleep.

Even after dust gathers, you're still here.

Little bites and notes of sweetness on my eyelashes, tops of my cheeks.
Hello you, you and you!
How come 
you look older than me?
" By experience"
 Dec 2014 stacy kate

Beneath a glowing chrysanthemum moon
I ponder the future intense
Counting each star that my eyes they do see
A’ shine in this nighttime suspense

Drawing on visions alive in my heart
Counting my blessings so true
Outlining shadows that dance on the ground
Forming a thought from a clue

Here on the grass of a neatly trimmed field
The world moves a bit as I stare
Memories found that we not yet have met
Days soon to come we will share

These are the dreams of your amorous poet
Out as the night wind does flow
Promising truth high above all this wisdom
Off in the distance to show

Praying that you shall reflect off this moonbeam
Touched by the light of my love
Sent from the heart of a desperate endeavor
Rains from the night sky above

Loneliness brings with it determination
Fight till I no longer breathe
Clapping my hands hoping magic will happen
Some things I tend to believe

Soon in the year of decisions decided
Until the end of all time
I shan’t let go when I find you are waiting
*Locked in my arms ever mine
Come to me, if you will
I need your body tonight
Grab you hard, you're my thrill
Use you bad, treat you right

This old man waited for you
Tell me, where have you been?
Exactly what did you do?
My punishment will be obscene

Your young body belongs to me
To order you how to play
You are my desire, my little mystery
I am the master, do what I say

Come to me, if you will
I need your body tonight
Grab you hard, you're my thrill
Use you bad, treat you right

Yes, those young men are your fun
But you're my fetish, when I call
You've returned, it had to be done
For you always need me, after all

Kneel now, await for my word
Trembling to feel my hard touch
Time for you, yes, time to be good
For both of us crave this too much

Come to me, if you will
I need your body tonight
Grab you hard, you're my thrill
Use you bad, treat you right
Copyright © Chris Smith 2014
My first kiss was like magic.
His lips were so soft, they made me  crave him more.
So I started to pull, and he stopped in mid kiss lips still together
and said in a teasing voice "uh-uh, no pulling" Then we continued.

I pulled away before I got lost in a world I didn't want to leave.
But little does he know when I pulled away, and wrapped my arms around him, I had tears in my eyes.

Not because I was sad, but all because I was in pure Ecstasy.
I wish I could stay with him and lay by his side but this world is cruel and dark, which makes me happy that I have him in my life to be my light.
 Nov 2014 stacy kate
i want
 Nov 2014 stacy kate
I want to softly whisper
incomplete poems
on your collar bones
that don't rhyme with anything
but your heavy breathing.

I want to bury my face
in the curves of your neck
because you smell like the winter clouds
and I've been gazing at the sky
since you left.
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