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 Oct 2014 stacy kate
Adam Latham
Her eyes spoke the words that her lips never said
As she lay there in silence curled up on the bed,
A solitary teardrop meandering her face
That fell from flushed cheeks onto bed sheets of lace.

With a vacant expression and hollowed out stare
Concealing the heartbreak and utter despair,
She clung to the pillow, so tight to her chest,
Upon which the head of her true love would rest.

The rose of her heart had succumbed to decay,
Faded, diminished, and withered away,
Blackened by misery, hardened through grief,
And drained of all passion by death's cunning thief.

Her once perfect world like those empires of old
Had crumbled to ruin, so desolate and cold,
No longer would love warm her soul like the sun
For the harshest of winters had now just begun.

In the recess of memory, precious and pure,
Her lover's last kiss would forever endure,
A comfort in sorrow and constant lament
Till the days of her own life are equally spent.
This bottle is to all the
Guards I put around myself
Times I failed to love myself
Nights I always cry to myself

This blade is to all the
Long roads I have walked with you
Coffee afternoons I have shared with you
Beer bottles I have smashed with you

These pills are to all the
Dreaded school Mondays you have lightened up
Down moments from where you have picked me up
Hollow holes in my heart you have almost filled up

This day is to you
Now that everything's over between us
I'm getting over myself, too
Re-reading this today (03/27/15) and to anyone who's gonna read this, I don't have suicidal tendencies. This is plain fiction.
 Mar 2014 stacy kate
I want to see her blink
I want to feel the touch
The seaming of her skin
Hand in hand, its clutch.

The texture of her hair
Between my finger tips
Your words in my ear
The magnetism, your lips
unfinished, I wouldn't doubt.
 Mar 2014 stacy kate
People have become so familiar
With so many failed love stories
They seek protection from love
Categorizing lovers as peculiar
Keeping at distance from them
Branding the lovers like aliens
They often oppose idea of love
But guys please read all of this
Read that I am obviously fully
Hundred & One Percent Sure
That my love will materialize
My HP Poem #590
©Atul Kaushal
 Mar 2014 stacy kate
Nirali Shah
And some love if you offer
That's all i ask for
My dreams are petit
I only want to live and breathe
So that you could do the same
I'll push through the earth
And anchor her FOREVER
I won't move!
100% organic love
I won't fail you
I promise you rain,oxygen and all those nice things :D
For God's sake!
Just put that axe down will you?
March 22,2014
 Mar 2014 stacy kate
Upasana Roy
Blue was her
favorite color
like his
monday shirt
every morning
she glided
the stairwell
down the
by the riverside
one glance
and in her head
she felt
the blue confetti
scatter and waft
around her
the feeling
was blue
and *magical
 Mar 2014 stacy kate
I am so in love.

I draw love-hearts within love-hearts.

Now, let me just hide my crimson cheeks and the flickers of shyness behind those
white covers.
So, I always always write a love-heart coloured in red after I write my name.
I guess I just have a thing for love-hearts.
What's your little idiosyncrasy?
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