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S S Jan 2016
I have a special superpower
Shall I tell you what.

Let us make a game of this
I'll let you guess my lot.

When the night is ripe and freshly raw
You can brandish me about.

Throw me at your demons dark
And their presence you will doubt.

When the piercing light spills over hills
You can point me at the flame.

Watch the rise of steam unsheathed
None can beat me at my game.

Can you guess who I am now?
Or what I can do for you?

I'll bet you wish you had me now
But you haven't got a clue.

When your string of life drops all its beads
You can roll me on the floor.

Pick ones you choose from off my skin
Rest will meld into my core.

I can be your crutch when you limp unheld
A pillow when resting your dreams.

I can be your sword slashing unseen foes
Or cup filled from meandering streams.

When all is done and tucked in its place
Fling me far to sightless edge.

I won't intrude but hold onto hope
You'll remember where to dredge.

Do you know what my power is?
Do you have me figured out?

My power lies in your need for me
I transcend both hope and doubt.

With mercurial blood
I'm a formless form
I am what you need me to be.
Close your eyes and
Summon my being
I am exactly what you see.
  Jan 2016 S S
Andrew Leparski
I can rhyme & riddle
Play violin & fiddle

I can write metaphors and paraphrase
Sit in a basement or stand on a stage

I can narrate comtemplations
And describe frustrations

I can sit in the shade and describe what I feel
I can recreate the impossible and make it seem real

I can write stories about feeling distant
And tell tall tales of commitment

I can write In riddles without clues
I can write on all shades of the blues

I can capture the experience of motion
and make time freeze in emotion

I can write to match my mood
I can write them eloquent or crude

But just because I wrote it
doesn't make me a poet  


What is it?

Eh, I'll leave it to someone else.

This is just me

writing on myself
S S Jan 2016
A picture seen at a time past gone,
Clear as a drop at the end of a leaf,
Shatters in a moment under murky tar,
Lost to the eyes burdened with grief.

Swept aside to corners ever so dark,
Pieces afloat atop forgotten sands,
Sleep well dear my shattered love,
There will come time for nourishing hands.

The seer opens one eye and then the next,
Something lies somewhere in corners asleep,
A picture once seen as crystal bright,
Is forgotten and buried under the dark and deep.

The shattered picked up with trembling hands,
The worry that it is all too late,
Trying to conjure the picture once seen,
Fitting jigsaw pieces with edges so straight.

How does the seer bring it back together?
How does it all make sense again?
Struggling with pieces lost in space,
The picture left with a permanent stain.

A hand reaches out from the depths unseen,
Bringing the pieces together with a surety felt,
Rest now dear one, you are not alone,
Hold onto the hand that you have been dealt.

The picture unclear comes together slow,
Yet unknown lies the ending to fill,
Strive on, dear one, strive on and on,
And a new picture emerges on the horizon still.
For when it seems all too hard put it back together again.
S S Jan 2016
Do you see your joy
Being wrenched from where it sleeps
Limb by limb
It's torn apart
Under dead weight the floorboard creaks

Do you hear your calm
Being muffled as it shrieks
Hand on mouth
Hilt to it's skin
Under dead weight the floorboard creaks

Do you feel your hope
Being smothered, already weak
Grip of steel
Around it's neck
Under dead weight the floorboards creak

Do you taste your dreams
Being chewed, the juices leak
No morsel spared
And then spat out
Under dead weight the floorboards creak

So let me be your vault
Pour your love in me
I'll keep it safe
And out of reach
And return it when you're free.
I'll protect it, you will see.
S S Jan 2016
A moment
While waiting for one's lover
That moment
Barely there
While dreading the kiss goodbye

A minute
While alone on listless night
That minute
Flashing past
While fingers of sleep uncurl

An hour
While informed of prognosis
That hour
Fast fleeting
While cocooned in last embrace

A day
While baking wedding cake
That day
Spins away
While vows are set in stone

Time is in the eye of the beholder.
Hold it before it's gone.
S S Jan 2016
In the corner I
Lie in wait
Waiting for you to arrive

Tossed around
Like an old tennis ball
I barely just survive

Brothers and sisters
Friend and foe
I watch them disappear

Plucked from a tree
Of endless choice
It's only me you hear

Open one eye
Unknowingly hear
I've sat inside your vault

I watch you now
And wonder if
I'll be heard as merit or fault

Can't run now
Embrace me now
You have entered my game

Who am I?
Come now child
I am your given name.
S S Jan 2016
A knock, she hears
Upon the front door
Startled, she drops
It all on the floor

Who could it be?
Why are they here?
The calm moment gone,
Now shattered in fear.

She shuffles, she steps
Towards that front door
Her mind, it spins
Dark thoughts, how they soar

Is it her foe?
Shrouded in hate?
Bubbling revenge, and
Unwrapping harsh fate.

She tips, she toes
Closer the front door
Her throat, a knot
A pit in her core

Is it the ghost?
Haunting her dreams?
Banshee spits fumes
While shreaking hot screams.

She trips, she slumps
Against that front door
Her soul, so drained
Can't take any more

Is it the reaper?
Grim to his depth.
Hooded cloak collecting
On the promise now kept.

She weeps, she opens
Dreaded front door
Mere branch, that knocked
Does so no more

It's just the front tree
But the girl does not see,
She does not feel glee
For the girl, she is lost,
Reliving her nightmares three.

— The End —