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Sound Of Rain Dec 2014
Another year has passed by, and things are different,
but I've ended up at the same spot again.
Just like last year,
I'm wishing you on here.

Happy Birthday to you,
and I hope all of your wishes come true,
and that you stay happy forever.
P.S. I still miss you.
Happy Birthday. 18. Legal now. I hope you have fun. I miss you.
  Nov 2014 Sound Of Rain
Andrew Durst
it can either be
the greatest gift
or the most
painful response.
I haven't been writing short poems lately. Feels good to get this one out.
Sound Of Rain Nov 2014
I've followed you for such a long time,
your play with words are what bring me back to Hello Poetry every once in a while,
And today, when I sat scrolling through your work,
I just couldn't stop.
Oh no. Couldn't stop but I tried,
And I felt like a creep so I stopped halfway or so,
and I just wanted to let you know that when I read
what you wrote, it made me smile.
Your work is beautiful and I truly believe you have magical powers
for when your fingertips touch the keyboard, I am sure golden sparks fly
and work their magic,
for what you write is simple, yet incredible,
touching and relate-able
and most importantly, I feel,
so very powerful.
I've been so stressed about tomorrow,
            that I forgot to live today.

I repeat, so very powerful.
And your words inspire me,
And make me feel such strong emotions,
and although I don’t know you,
you make me wish I had someone willing to write for me,
and I hope you no longer have to feel the heartache and sadness you sometimes write about
and that you are able to smile.
But if you find yourself stuck someday and find no reason to smile,
remember that your words have moved me, and made me smile,
which in itself is a reason for you to smile,
for being able to move a stranger through your words is quite a great reason for happiness.
  Nov 2014 Sound Of Rain
Hey you're more than pretty. You're gorgeous. You're eyes sparkle brighter than any star. Your smile beats the moon. Your hair is so much fun to play with. Remember not to starve, purge, cut, tear, stab, poke, burn, scratch. There's no need too. I don't need to see your face to know your beautiful. I don't care what the mirror says. You deserve to know the ugly truth. You will always be beautiful and there's nothing you can say or do to change that.
For every girl, guy, and everyone in between. You deserve to feel beautiful. 'I kissed the scars on her skin and I still think your beautiful. I don't think I could ever lose my best friend.
Don't send me pictures of tattoos you want unless you have the intention of letting me watch the ink dry, the intention of permanence.

Don't love me with a half-hearted candle when clearly we could be a forest fire.

Don't smile like that at me unless you plan to catch me when I swoon.
Friendly reminders
Sound Of Rain Oct 2014
Why is it that people lie?
Telling you that they care
When in reality, they just
want to see you down.

Why is it that people lie?
Acting like they love you
When in reality, they just
Want what you have.

Why is it that people lie?
Telling you they'll stay always,
When in reality, they'll
Just leave in the end.

Why is it that people lie?
Giving you all of this false hope,
To which you cling on to so hard,
Only to let you down and never come back.

Why is it that people lie?
Even when you've lost so much
And think of them as your only hope
Seeing you suffer, they just smile.
So tired of all of these lies.
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