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 Sep 2014 Frustrated Poet
A portal opens for the escape
The thought at night that keeps me awake

There would be ravens squawking
A castle's silhouette is closely standing
Vines wrapped around each wall
Darkness surrounds everything that once stood tall
The evening lurks as if it is being eaten
The cold wind searches for something to embrace
Everything is being watched as the night deepens
I am alone as my heart starts to race
I have no one beside me
nor an animal to be with
All I hear is the breeze of my old friend
Telling me to stay
and to never ever leave this place
I should not be scared
After all this is my world
I have my own realm
It is not so much
but it is *mine
Im jealous

Jealous that I
wasn't the  one

of  something that wasn't mine

It was all  just  my mind
playing tricks on me

Dear me
So foolish to think it was me
I should have  known

Now my heart's breaking,
cracking, splitting into 2.

And im
Yep. I still do.
Loving you feels more natural than the keys I type on all day.
Yet my feelings are more complicated than a two dimensional dynamic character array.
When I see you, my heart skips a FLoating point OPeration.
If there's anything you want, all other task priorities drop.
When I'm with you, my heart performs realtime.
After being about all day, I want to be your \n
I just can't compile how you make me feel that way.
But love runs on it's own, without language or syntax.
For you, all my procedural rules are relaxed.
To you, my dear, I will always be (boolean) 1
For all my love are belong to you.
Sometimes I just lay down.
In my bed.
Lights off and silence.
And I close my eyes and think about you.
I think of everything from the first time we began.
To the smallest details that hang on every strand of my memory.
No matter how much I want to hate and forget it all.
My guard always falls.
The memories flow in like a river of endless water.
There's no drainage that can control this mess.
Every time I see you I think about you more.
I guess I'm angered by the memories because I don't think your mind does the same for me
And it *****! It really *****!
Because I'm stuck.
Stuck to memories that were just that.
Now I'm ashamed cause you don't think the same.
Cause your smile still makes my day.
And cause you just won't go away.
Come see the stars with me
While I lay my head in your chest
Then your arms wrap around me
Let our comfort fill the silence
Let your love replace my sadness

Oh my darling, is it bad to need you tonight?

Things really do change
Which makes me wonder
Will you still be there?

Maybe say you love me one more time
Before I pretend to be fine
Or maybe wish to die
 Sep 2014 Frustrated Poet
 Sep 2014 Frustrated Poet
is as still as enormous walls,
as good as coffee in the morning,
no one could ever be as tall,
and yet she is calm like spring

is as brave as lions and tigers combined,
as bright as the afternoon skies
she could not be easily tamed,
she has her own plans to take

is as beautiful as the lit evening stars,
as **** as the burning flames of fire
she could handle all the past scars
and she is only mine to desire
Oops. *monkey covering his mouth emoji*
 Sep 2014 Frustrated Poet
She glistens beautifully on the river night
With blurred sparkles yet glinting
She waited so long for her daylight
But He only came when she’s sleeping

He shines brightly with infinite fervor
Giving life to the ones in pain
He knew it’s impossible for them to sustain
To see her once he’d always hoped for

They always knew it was unviable
But their love bestows hope on earth
Their curse afflicted despite their denial
Yet they still believe in their oath

They’re inclined to do their utmost
Knowing everything will eventually be in tarnish
Not remorseful to what they lost
Until they prevail on what they wished

They finally met from time to time
Only to be torn apart again & again
Yet they cherished their eclipse to rhyme
**For the love they always believed in.
I always envy those who are in a long distance relationship  who got married or decided to live together. They didn't give up. It's really heart wrenching to wait at the other end  to wait like a few months to meet or the worst, once a year.
But then when you think about it. If two people are really meant to be together, they will be.
Even if they're like 15000 miles apart, if they're bounded by fate for each other. Nothing will break them.
And this i got inspired  by looking at the eclipse . It was really beautiful:)
(And I reposted this because I feel that it deserves more recognition. So if you guys could repost this it would be awesome. Cause I want to let those who are in LDR to know it's not that bad, you just have to believe. But then again you have to choose too)
I want someone to comfort me.
But i want to drive people away.
I want someone to hug me and tell me everything is going to be fine.
But I hate it when someone does it to me.
I always said to myself,"pull your **** together ****"
I end up opening my own scars.
Its me,its my fault.
I ruin everything.
Everything fragile,I broke.
Never again will it be the same.
I hate myself for craving for the attention not necessary.
Also,i hate myself for never being good enough.
I know i don't have to be.
But things are easier said than done.
Its always been me who gets to give the last part of my heart.
But never gets to taste what it is to be truly happy.
People are so loved.
I stand isolated in that very corner.
Looking at that very moment.
Seeing the spark,
the light
the ignited passion to love someone.
Who come?
I look everywhere to find my happiness
But I know it isn't anywhere
Its within me.
Somewhere waiting to be triggered.
What if no one comes?
No one ignites me.
Will I ever?
I'm too tired to do anything.
I want to disappear.
No one won't notice.
I know I am loved.
I forget.
I get the feeling that I ruin stuff so precious
I'm not and never will be good enough.
If you are uncomfortable when you look in the mirror,
keep in mind:
We spent thousands of years
trying to convince the earth
she was flat.

We wrote her maps as evidence of the things we saw;
and she believed them.
She cried tsunamis, and had earthquake breakdowns.

Keep in mind: the Sun never gave up hope.
The earth will keep spinning and breathing
the star-dusty space void of encouragement.

Next time you look in the mirror
and second-guess your potential divinity,
remember you will keep shining and living.

Because the Sun is out there
believing in you,
compensating for lack of the human capacity
to treat each other empathically.

You don’t need proof or approval
to be exactly what you are;
Eventually everyone will see
your infinite beauty.
No one ever asked if I was okay.
And now I've catched everyones attention.
They're now asking me what's the problem.
THIS IS *******.
such *******.
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