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how sacred are the raindrops
passage to another world

if I were a raindrop
luminous crystals
window wash the acid sky
and hot sultry earth
**** and span

Drumming down
a fresh start
blessed beginning
for all moccasins to tread
the path of the heart

Sacrificial waters
life giving monsoons
suckle newborn sprouts
feed snow capped
mountain rivers, raging bull
and the tiny sea inside
a mother’s womb

If I were a raindrop
a merciful tear falling from
God’s eye
the gold ring and chain piercing my
nostril is tied to Your starry reins
I stand quite diaphanous and transparent
in the shivering frost-bitten scrutiny
as inanimate and suspended
as the fossilized rocks
and vacant shells entombed beneath
my bare feet
this loneliness that climbs, scrambles
mindless ivy,
up and down forlorn ivory towers
lost lighthouses clinging to abandoned
coastlines where the sea foams at the mouth
and maya lurks like rodents and beachcombers
littering with her perishable bag of goodies
where is my conch?
my heart hurts
am I too deaf ...too far gone...
to hear Your mighty blast?
Om Sai Ram Dear Family

Excellent news! Thank You Swamiji. "108 Bhakti Kisses" Poetry book has been added to the Brevard Central Library collection in Florida. Paste the url below:;=449915711¤tIndex=0&view;=allCopiesDetailsTab

Sai Blessings,

Sonya Ki Tomlinson
I love my darling little
ragdoll kitty Rama
a beautiful flame point color
He reminds me of sunrise
orange auburn rays
pouncing across
pearl white early morning skies

Following me into the bedroom
he sprawls across the desk and
under my computer
tenderly I scratch his furry head
we rub cold eskimo noses and I can’t help
noticing how his breath is so very much
like mine

Sweet air rushing in
like the tide and gently ebbing
listening closely to his breath
makes me wonder
how on earth
can we slaughter
and eat anything that
has breath like us

Tears fall from Rama’s eyes
tears for our brother animals
tears for Rama
Serenity of the Buddha fountain
graces our garden
His wise presence flows
steadily over thorns, thistle
and rocks that jut across the pathway
creating obstacles in our lives

There was turmoil, misery,
calamity in His generation
just like today
The Ravanas of our time
prowl earth’s gardens
seeking to abduct and ravage
goodness, love, purity, truth

Illustrious Gautama gained the perfect
peace that passeth understanding
by treading the middle path and realizing
that pushing the envelope
indulging in all types of extreme behavior
sabotages our mental, emotional and physical
well being

He declared to His disciples as they
wandered through the world that
desire is the cause of all suffering
and like the Master Jesus encouraged them
“to be in the world not of it”
This He knew could be actualized by
the right use of the senses,
loving, compassionate service to mankind
and having a still, tranquil mind
through the process of

Twilight dusk blankets the garden
The Buddha twinkling under a
panorama of evening stars
a crystal ball spinning luminously
in his hands
illumines our beaten path
from His radiant pedestal,
beneath the Bodhi tree
“The Sun of Enlightenment Shines”
Florida's Autumn sunset paints the horizon
with colors almost as spectacular
if not equal to the Fall hues
of a New York landscape:

Royal foliage draped in rich amber,
yellow ochre, jeweled garnet,
rust, and calico maple orange
form an imperial procession
down 5th avenue across
Central Park and through the
metropolitan streets
eventually spreading into the
rustic countryside
of upstate New York

Around this time of year
when gold and cranberry mums
crown the local southern markets
and gardens
my heart turns northward to my

Flamboyant deciduous trees
shed their brilliant leaves
creating a palette of color that
would rival an artist's canvas

I can feel the hint of winter and Christmas
in the brusque breeze roughly brushing
my face crimson

Spicy scents of cinnamon, nutmeg and ginger
from Mom's fresh baked apple pie
brings tears to my eyes
a little black girl in pigtails and pink frock
licking her fingers and the plate clean
The lucky red Chinese lanterns filled the restaurant atmosphere
with a happy glow. David and I had just concluded
our meal and set about opening our fortune cookies.
David’s read: “Some extra bucks are floating your way”
“I like that!“ he exclaimed, his face lighting up like the
lucky lanterns swaying from the ceiling.

I opened mine: “From the heart you draw true happiness.”
“I like that even better,” quipped David. I agreed contemplating
on how true wealth is not measured by the amount of
green paper or gold bullion we can cram into our pockets
but by the nature and vast reservoir of love stored
up in our hearts. For it is love that brings the bliss of
self knowledge and makes clear our purpose and path of service.

Of course, the green stuff is necessary for a balanced,
optimum life but it should not become the be all
or end all of our lives.

Sathya Sai Baba says: “Wealth does not accompany one
when he leaves the world. Wealth is necessary only for
meeting one’s essential needs.Too much wealth is
an embarrassment like an over-sized shoe.
Too little of it is likely to be painful like a tight-fitting shoe.
So, it is desirable to have only that amount of wealth
that is adequate for one’s basic needs. You should
try to promote the wealth of good conduct, strive to earn
the eternal wealth of the wisdom of the Spirit.
Happiness is union with God."
Lots of Prema,
sonya ki
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