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Juju Juju
Nadya Abdul
NYC    It's a long road, and a painful one. But at the end of the road, the end of all the pain; the unexpected potholes and …
Sylvia Frances Chan
F/Emeralds GREEN....    2021 yrs ago Jesus was born in Bethlehem, 1988 yrs ago, crossed at 33 yrs of age on Golgotha. The heaviest pains-sufferings He endured. His …
Christopher K Bayliss
London. UK    I am a poet, writer of short/flash fiction and am presently struggling through my first novel. With a fascination for the darker side of penmanship …
Chelsea Patton
USA (PA)    Hey guys I'm 18 and I'm senior in high school. I hope you guys like my poems. I am a Christian. Taken :) If you …
Tyler Durden
Virginia    I hope you don't regret me
Millington T.N    ABOUT ME Name: Louis Haynes Age:18 State-Tennessee BIO I'm am here to post poems I hope everyone will read and enjoy I'm new here so …
Musfiq us shaleheen
47/M/Dhaka, Bangladesh    Love is for yours Love is for mine And we are for each other. @ Musfiq us shaleheen I have bided you, in the center …
Riley Lavender
Round Rock, TX    "Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words." ---Robert Frost I published my first book of poetry several …
Ashley Lopez
Philippines/ Jubail, KSA    Hi! I am back again here in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for work. © Pax 2013 - present...
D Dee
My hands shall not tremble, my feet shall not falter Moving on
with love, c.
an honest and hopeless romantic.. sorry
Dulce Berkowitz
I believe in the person I want to become.
Modern Serenity
Corrupt World   
shadow girl
A crazy world   
Colorado    "No human thing is of serious importance." -Plato Twitter: Snails & Top Hats @mo_vitaluna Instagram: Mo Gumber @mo.vail
Singapore    🇸🇬 I write to breathe out this toxic waste of space. @Erennwrites
Zowie Georgia
'Everything Is Always Touched By Something' -Zowie Georgia 'A poet can survive everything but a misprint.’ - Oscar Wilde
witchy woman
28/F/here, there & everywhere    it's just words after all
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