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Sad lonely tree
Hanging on to that last little leaf
Not wanting to be alone
Oh sweet naive tree
Even though they move on with out you
You’ll have new friends again
It’s just fall
Wait till spring
He was on toes in his twenties
She was in tunes in her teens
He was alone, she was along
He was curious, she was cordial
She was catering to his senses:
With her ply, play and ploy
Her electrifying looks
Greeted his soul to seek
Tricked and kicked his heart
Her smiles rolled on his lips
Her face fashioned fair n’ familiar
Beauty was her boon, his moon
An intangible asset to cassette
It was one to one homely affair
Win-win scene in solitude
Her free style was explicit -
Board of her body language
Her chromatic costumes,
And cosmetic feel of touch
Enshrined in the tablet of his memory
She sang, danced n’ pounced in passion
Coupled up his thoughts  
For a couple of hours
Her smart artistic calibre,
Teeming teenage tickle,
Shook up and hooked up
His conduct and character
He could see her face to face
In her filmy on-screen display
Of moving movie telecast
He was her fan in disguise
She was his fiancée in guise
And an articulate artist
Lo! Love is the mother of life
 Oct 2014 snarkysparkles
Pour your pain in a mug
Let it steep until it's bitter
       and too strong to taste
Sip slowly and let your lips
       curl away in disgust
But still, let it slide down
       your throat;
       tepid, revolting.
Let the wafting stench fill your lungs
       breathe in the toxins
Until your vision blurs and your head spins.
Feel the poison as it
       corrupts your heart and
       erupts into your body
Let it eat you alive
       and rot you from the inside.
You and me
It’s pure anarchy
Holding hands
Is like flipping chairs
Our kissing
Breaks down buildings
Our love
Sends people screaming
Our destruction
Is a perfect love
You and me
It’s pure anarchy
 Oct 2014 snarkysparkles
Angie S
So in the end
Night fell upon me
And swallowed me whole
And left nothing behind
But my fallen tears
No one was there
To watch me fall,
Drown in my eternal nothings

So in the end
Night fell upon us
And you were left with
My smiling face, the one
I forgot, I left with you
Because I love you so
And didn't want to trouble you
Any more than I already have

So in the end
Night fell upon this city
And to everyone that had ever
Laid their eyes upon
My matter, matter with no reason
I give my memory
Take it and breathe it in
Let it fill you with life
And then exhale

So in the end
Night fell upon me
And swallowed me whole
And left nothing behind
But a sad, selfish rabbit
Who loved being alone
And yet despised being lonely
They say that rabbits can die of loneliness.
..I'm not saying I love you yet
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