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Platitudinous, pusillanimous,
Pulchritudinous, posterior
Poseur, postulating pus bag
Posing as plenipotentatious
President POTUS, posturesome
Proudly putting paws on *******
Publicly preposterous woosie
Pretending propriety: a putz.

Eternal egregious eccentricity,
Endless empathy-less publicity,
Effectively inbalming ethnicity
Eviscerates any essential nobility
Excluding even existential energies
Of expectations of excellence
Instead enacting evolution-free
Economical inimical extortion.

Hourly horror holler hate,
Both houses holding hotheads
And hundreds of houris
Honoring honor-free hopes
Hesitation-free horrible haste
Hosing hope and helpmeets
Who have inherited helplessness
From heartless halfwit hoydens.

Boisterous ***** and boors
Beat beauty and belief badly
But beg and bawl for bounty
Bathing in bastardy and blood
But beyond bowing to betters
Banquets and bowers of berks
Badly bent beyond blessing,
They’re best boxed for burying.
What if you...
Only loved those that love you
How would they know
If that love was true
Would it change a thing
Would it bring meaning
If you loved those you knew
That only loved you

What if you...
Never once compromised
Saw life through others eyes
Saw the other person's side
If you only did your thing
With no concern for another being
What would you find
If you never compromised

What if you...
Never took the hard road
But always the easy way
With the lightest load
Would it strengthen you
Would your step be true
If you never took the road
Hardest to get through

What if you...
Only saw the past
Never dreamed of what's ahead
Only dream of what you left
Would you be stuck
In the place you are
Never getting far
If the past was in your heart

What if you...
Only took the winning side
Would you learn lessons in this life
If it was nothing but a free ride
If no lessons were ever taught
If a battle you never lost
I wonder what you'd find
If you only took the winning side
 Nov 2017 Sincerely Em
Deep earthen roots, gold arrow-tips,
Sounding rush of green applause
Now, trees and bark stretch to
Higher lows of raptured skies.

Wide face of etched ranks and--
Here His marks tread and silence falls
Quite tenderly under winding timber,
Woodworks, Tree-rings, bound around
As clocks tick to celestial Grange's face.

His deeds show across baked-ancients
And those whose sun came creeping under
Horizontal terms and periods-- in lapses
when Time held his own--

On winding old branches with buds smelling
Young n' green n' poking free from yellow scars,
Time garnered his people, his children and dead,
housed them in ticks and tocks and surnames,
For Twilight's enamelled hubris to bathe them,
Wash them.

To set them in winding bark,
And brand them in Himself,
In Winding Tree-tocks.
Trees carry the marks of Father Time well into ancient swells of the earth, and so then carries marks of us with it.
 Nov 2017 Sincerely Em
They're dancing in the alley
Wearing clown
Calling for peace
What are we going to be?
Little Liza
Little Liza Jane

The west is burning
The east is drowning
What are we going to be?
Little Liza
Little Liza Jane

The night is broken
The day is howling
The moon is rising
Nightblooming Jasmine
the air is alive

We're all sweating in endless summer
The heat is on
Though we're freezing cold
What's it going to be?
Little Liza
Little Liza Jane

Grinding poverty
Those that have the money live
Those that don't die
That's the way it is
What's it going to be?
Little Liza
Little Liza Jane

Trying to remember
Love is all we know
All we know.
What's it going to be?
Little Liza
Little Liza Jane
Little Liza Jane, an American folksong, done many times, in many ways. My version. Originally published in 1916, but goes back before that.
Did you ever once dream
Or ever twice think
That your love for drugs
Would be all that you need

Or when you were a kid
Out of all that you did
That the habit you'd kick
Would be your innocence

On the verge of death
With little to no time left
A secret we know
But from you it's been kept

Did you not think at one time
This could be your life
And this would be the way
You'd find the way to die

May God have mercy on your soul
And the ones left out in the cold
When you're no longer here
While the rest of us grow old

Missing you more than you know
Without you here to show
But if the truth be known
We lost you a long time ago...
I've had several friends kids die from overdoses which for the addict ends the horror but for the ones left behind just continues another chapter in the book. The latest which hit me hardest is the son of a friend dying 2 weeks ago and this weekend is their daughters marriage...I couldn't even imagine.
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